The NCAA took a Focus on the Family ad off of its Web site after homosexual activists complained.
The print ad shows a father holding his young son. It’s titled:
Celebrate Family. Celebrate Life.
And the picture is captioned:
All I want for my son is for him to grow up knowing how to do the right thing.
The activists claimed Focus was too controversial for being pro-life, and in favor of one-man, one-woman marriage. They said that runs counter to the NCAA’s policies.
Gary Schneeberger, vice president of ministry communications at Focus on the Family, said he was “befuddled” by the NCAA’s decision.
“Have we really become a society where it’s considered distasteful and controversial for a dad to hope the best for his son?” he said. “If so, we have a lot of soul-searching to do as a nation.”
BT Comment: I saw this freedom hating abortion supporter on O'Reilly tonight. This was not the first time for Jehmu of the Womens Media Center. She was there defending the NCAA decision to pull the Focus on the Family ad from their website. The ad is not blatantly christian or even spiritual. Just supportive of the traditional family unit. She stated that the ad did not conform to it's audience at the NCAA who are "tolerant". She must have said the word "tolerant" atleast 4 or 5 times. Then at the end of her diatribe she said how they would not stand for this type of ad. Does she not know what the hell tolerant means?!
See, liberals, especially the radical left, cannot win in the arena of ideas. They either have to shut down, shout down or denegrate the oppositon. In this case, she exulted in the shut down. Obviously another pro free speech activist. But as you know, the 1st Amendment doesn't give you the right to yell FIRE in a crowded theatre. I guess as far as Shamu is concerned you can't print LIFE on a NCAA website either.
"FAMILY" is a touchy subject as well, BT. What a shame. The concept of 'doing the right thing' has long been the center of ethical debate in the secular world; it's definition is broad and open to interpretation depending upon the situation. Therefore the wording in this ad should allow most groups, believers and non-believers alike to draw their own POSITIVE conclusions about life and parenting. Are there some fathers who upon reading this might be nudged into taking a more active role in raising his child? It's ludicrous and scary to think that one special interest group would presume to understand the whole intent of this ad to be anti-homosexual, and worse yet, to have the kind of clout to remove it. Frankly, it would be more understandable for an African American male to take offense, as this pic and beautiful message could just as easily be 'alluding' to the subculture of African American dead-beat dads. Of course, they don't have any clout in society, do they? Note the pic of a white male with a white child. Funny, no complaints there. Probably figured a photo of a black male with a white child would've furrowed a Jehmu brow or two...?