A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have. Thomas Jefferson
On the eve of what could be the biggest government entitlement Jefferson's quote rings ominously true. The Bible says that the borrower is slave to the lender. In other words, the one who receives is beholden to the giver. But in this country we believe(or atleast the Founding Father believed) that our rights come from God. He is the one to whom we are beholden. And if our rights come from Him no man can take them away. But this government and this administration are quickly absconding what God has freely granted. But they are not completely to blame. Many in our country's
electorate are giving unlimited license to this government to take away our rights. They want a nanny state. They want the government to supply all of their needs(at the expense of those of us who work hard for a living). They want what they call "social justice". A leveling of the playing field. Taking from the have's and giving to the work not's.
The passage of this monumental Obamacare health reform bill will signal the end of this country as we have known it. It is wildly unpopular, expensive and socialist at it's very core. It promises to give us everything that we want in socialized medicine. But think about it. Who is going to pay for this? We are already in the bag for over $12,000,000,000,000.00. Yeah, that's trillions. But even more costly than the all of the trillions or dollars(the taxes we will be paying) is that we will be losing something more precious... Our Freedom!!! A government that can dictate who gets what treatment. Basically, who ultimately lives and who dies. I know it sounds extreme but it will come to that when care has to be rationed because there is only so much money to pay for it and only so much medical attention and medicine to go around. Just ask someone from England or Canada. Oh, and another thing... If this becomes law you WILL have to buy into it. If not, you will be fined. It is unconstitutional for the government to force you to buy anything. But that doesn't stop Obama and the progressive liberals. Liberals have long shown their disdain for the laws of our land. Or more specifically the Constitution. They believe that we are a nation of men and not laws with they being the ruling elite class. It is time for us as Americans to know our rights, know our history and shape our own future.
So back to Jefferson... His warning that this present government that promises health coverage for all can(and in my educated opinion, will) in the end take everything that we have. Actually, once they lay claim to our freedom, there will be nothing else worth taking. Or for that matter, worth having.
BT afterthought: This monstrosity will begin to be paid for by us as soon as BO signs it into law. However, the benefits(if that's what you want to call them)don't kick in for atleast four years later. To put it into perspective, it would be like buying a car that you never even laid eyes on. Started making payments on the 10 year loan immediately, but didn't take receipt of the vehicle until four years into your loan payments. Maybe not the best example but close enough. You get the idea. Don't buy this car from Bad Deal Barack.
BT...Will you qualify for the 3000% reduction in the price of your health insurance??
ReplyDeleteYes JL. As soon as I draw my last breath I am guaranteed a reduction in the cost of my health care as well as my health coverage.