From The Times March 26, 2010
Binyamin Netanyahu humiliated after Barack Obama 'dumped him for dinner'
Of all the destructive policies of the Obama administration, I fear that none is more ominous and dangerous to America than his poor treatment of Israel.
For those who don't know the above scripture verses, it is God's promise to Abraham to bless those that bless him(and his descendants)and to curse those that curse him(and his descendants). It would appear that our anti-semite commander in chief is choosing the latter. Since God is eternal, as are His promises, this does not bode well for America.
As a person whose closest friends are Jewish, and as a christian who loves God and Israel I am very troubled by this change in policy towards America's closest, or for that matter, only ally in the Middle East. Maybe in the world. Obama's indignation, feigned or real, seems so petty and childish. To shun Israel's leader, not even over the building of legitimate apartments in their own land, but the timing of the announcement of said construction seems on it's face ridiculous. Then again, I don't imagine that someone named Barack Hussein Obama would posses great fondness for Israel or the jewish people.
Jews and Christian's alike should be forewarned, this administration is no friend to them or the God of the Old and New Testaments. This may only be the beginning of a wave of persection that is to come against us. We need to embrace our faith now more than ever. Of course I am aware that the Jewish faith does not accept Jesus as the Messiah. Even growing up in a Lutheran church I did not really believe it with my heart. Not until He revealed himself to me and by faith I trusted Him as God's Son and Saviour. To me, he is Yeshua Hamashiach.
So in these times, the Jews and Israel should have no greater allies than Bible believing christians. And although I can only pray that my Jewish friends would come to know Jesus, I would hope that those of them that may be afar off from their Jewish faith, would return to it with a new fervor and find solace in the midst of what may be coming on the horizon. For this present world system is no friend to any of God's people.
I will end with another Old Testament scripture penned by King David that Jews and Christians alike may agree upon and unite under:
"Yea, happy is that people whose God is the Lord" Psalms 144:15
BT...Totally disgraceful...
ReplyDeleteInteresting. I will have to read about this incident.
ReplyDeleteBT, I like when you share your own personal experiences, and here re: your faith, i.e. "Of course I am aware that the Jewish faith does not accept Jesus as the Messiah. Even growing up in a Lutheran church I did not really believe it with my heart. Not until He revealed himself to me and by faith I trusted Him as God's Son and Saviour. To me, he is Yeshua Hamashiach."
If you ever want to attend a Messianic Temple Service let me know. I found one online:
I attended on shortly after my conversion. It was quite an experience. One that I could not fully appreciate as much as I would now.