Landmarks, cities worldwide unplug for Earth Hour
By DAVID STRINGER, Associated Press Writer David Stringer, Associated Press Writer – 44 mins ago
LONDON – Europe's best known landmarks — including the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben and Rome's Colosseum — fell dark Saturday, following Sydney's Opera House and Beijing's Forbidden City in joining a global climate change protest, as lights were switched off across the world to mark the Earth Hour event.
In the U.S., organizers said some of the participating landmarks would be the Mt. Rushmore presidential monument, the glittering Las Vegas strip and the marquee lights of Broadway theaters in New York.
Millions of people were turning off lights and appliances for an hour from 8:30 p.m. in a gesture to highlight environmental concerns and to call for a binding pact to cut greenhouse gas emissions. This year's was the fourth annual Earth Hour, organized by the World Wildlife Fund.
As each time zone reaches the appointed hour, skylines go dark and landmarks dim, from a Manila shopping mall to Berlin's Brandenburg Gate and the Empire State Building in New York.
"I think it's great to see that hundreds of millions of people share this common value of lowering our carbon footprint," said Dan Forman, a spokesman for WWF in Washington.
BT comment: If global warming is a real thing(which it's not) it is caused by all of the methane gas from all of the lying crap that is spread about it's existence. But in the spirit of the event I have proceeded to turn on every light, TV, radio and kitchen appliance. I put my recyclables in with my regular trash. I started my car and let it run until the tank was on E. I turned up the heat and opened all of my windows. Then, for good measure, I ran outside wielding an aerosol can in each hand and emptied them into the atmosphere in an effort to open a big hole in the ozone layer right above my apartment. I am intent on leaving one big a$$ carbon foot print before this old carcass is unplugged for good.
The reality as far back as I can remember in grade school is that we emit carbon dioxide when we breathe. Plants use that same carbon dioxide in conjunction with water and sunlight(photosynthesis) to produce oxygen. That's what we breathe in. It's what we need to live.
I want a clean planet as much as the next person. Clean air. Clean water. That's the ticket. But I don't want to go back to the pre-industrial era and live like it's the 1700's. It is the free market, industialized democracies that contribute the most to a clean environment while still maintaining a high standard of living.
Stop worshipping the planet. Be good stewards of God's creation but don't make it an idol. Worship the Creator, not the creation. We should enjoy the advances in technology that we are blessed with and use them wisely. Stop buying into the whole Green Movement. It really is just a haven for the old Red Movement.
Disclaimer:No environmental laws were broken in the writing of this post. Also, no animals were harmed during it's composition. Any references to the wanton use of electricity, gasoline, fluorcarbons or natural gas were made purely for comedic effect or to hack off environmentalist wackos.
:) shut yer pie-hole and turn that light out!