My fellow Americans... your country is on the sales block. At what price you ask. Well, the bottom line is your freedom. Who's buying it? The Obama administration by way of your representatives. The irony is that it is being bought and you are being sold out with your own hard earned dollars.
These said representatives are selling their votes for Obamacare(a misnomer since he doesn't even know what the hell is in it)for little perks and bones being thrown their way by our Liar and Chief and his minions(Pelosi and Reid). Instead of listening to their constituents or more importantly adhering to the Constitution they have sworn to protect and uphold, they are having their ears tickled by this lying sack of manure President and are only concerned about their own political futures.
My friends, America is not for sale. Our votes are not for sale. I am not for sale. You cannot put a price on freedom or integrity. Our Constitution is not negotiable. As I have said before, the borrower is slave to the lender. Do you want to be a slave to anyone or anything, let alone a cold, heartless government that only seeks it's own ends?
America is a country that was founded on freedom and rugged individualism. What Obama is seeking to implement is what our Founding Fathers came here to get away from. Why in heaven's name would we want to return to brutal over arching authority and taxation without any representation?
I fear that we have taken our freedom for granted for far too long. We are an anomaly in human history. Most of human history is dominated by slavery and brutal dictatorships. We are the only republic founded on the principle that our rights and freedoms come from God. I beg you to reclaim those freedoms as well as the responsibilities our Founders realized some 200 years ago. If we do not seize this moment, we will, like other failed society's will be cast into the ash heap of history.
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty" Wendell Phillips
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ReplyDelete"Instead of listening to their constituents or more importantly adhering to the Constitution they have sworn to protect and uphold, they are having their ears tickled by this lying sack of manure."
ReplyDelete"Do you want to be a slave to anyone or anything, let alone a cold, heartless government that only seeks it's own ends?"
"Why in heaven's name would we want to return to brutal over-arching authority and taxation without any representation?"
"We are the only republic founded on the principle that our rights and freedoms come from God. I beg you to reclaim those freedoms as well as the responsibilities our Founders realized some 200 years ago. If we do not seize this moment, we will, like other failed society's will be cast into the ash heap of history."
Powerful stuff, honey~
You've really got to run for President of the Society for the Preservation of Confirmed Bachelors of America, Scott. Sounds very much like a pep talk given at their annual BBQ after downing a few. I love it! Run, boys run!!!!