Ricky Martin: 'I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man'
Posted Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:48pm PDT by Access Hollywood in Stop The Presses!
NEW YORK, N.Y. -- After years of keeping quiet about his personal life, pop star Ricky Martin has announced that he is gay..
"I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man," Ricky said in a message posted on his official Web site. "I am very blessed to be who I am."
BT comment: I really don't get this on many levels. Obviously, because I am heterosexual I don't get it. But even more so, I don't get all of the hoopla surrounding someone "coming out". In some instances it's no surprise. But still, what is the big deal? I don't say that all gay people are like this, but there are those in the gay community who don't want anybody to tell them how to live, yet they tell everybody how they live. Who cares?! They come out like it's a 13 year old Jewish boy(only as far as the hoopla, not a lifestyle reference)on his Bar Mitzvah. But instead of "Today I am a man!", it's "I'm gay!". I can appreciate the centuries old religious ceremony for it's solemnity. But to loudly and broadly announce your preference in sexual partners is at the very least uncouth. I don't see or hear anyone tweeting or posting or yelling to the world "I'm hetero!".
The other thing that eludes me is that there is usually some sort of adjective adjoined to the connotation of the words "gay" and "homosexual". Now I may be overstating this matter and if so, please forgive me. I just remember that when the disgraced and adulterous ex-governor of New Jersey, Jim Mcgreevey announced that he was gay he said that he was "a gay American". Why not just gay? The American part was a given. Was it supposed to impart a certain kind of patriotism to his gayness? Gay or straight the guy was an adulterous lech. He cheated on his wife while his sexual proclivities skewed his professional judgement. Making poor choices that involved homeland security. So the gay part aside, he was a bad American governor and an even worse husband. Just a thought, maybe that gay part was thrown in so that any railings against him would automatically be considered a hate crime. Even if such accusations had little or nothing to do with his lifestyle choice.
And now we have Ricky Martin, the "Fortunate homosexual man". Such a grand pronouncement. It's too long, it's redundant(we know he's a man), it's braggadocios(am I to assume being straight I am less fortunate?) and last of all, who the hell cares??? Go live your life like most of us do. Toiling in anonymity. Living our lives. Paying our bills. Etc, etc, etc.
Finally, I do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle. Biblically and morally I think it is wrong. However, I do believe that God loves all people, all sinners, regardless of what they have done or failed to do. It would be easy to stigmatize one group or one type of behaviour. The truth is that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. My intent here was not to bash gays in any way. I am only noting my failure to grasp the pomp and circumstance that sometimes accompanies this choice. I know from people who have come out of this lifestyle that it is anything but gay. I do not speak as an expert on this particular subject, just as one who has had his own share of hurts, disappointments and failures that manifested themselves in other ways that only lead to self destruction. It is only by the grace of God through Christ that my sins were washed away and my heart is continually being made whole. Far from perfect with eterntiy to plumb the depths and riches of His love. So it's not for me to approve or disapprove of someone's lifestyle. I am entitled to my opinion as are we all. I do not judge, only opine.
I am a born again, overly blessed, middle aged, baseball loving, Cowboys hating, liberal loathing, conservative, blogger, Rush and Beck listening, heterosexual American.
There. I think that about covers it.
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ReplyDeleteCouldn't have said it better........ My dad WAS gay and now he has 3 beautiful boys. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for his change in lifestyles and faith, which I'm thankful for everyday.