Taliban blown up by own bombs
TALIBAN killers have blown themselves up laying booby-trap bombs, we can reveal.
Up to 20 are thought to have died planting Improvised Explosive Devices.
They were racing to plant the IEDs before the Allied offensive Operation Moshtarak. The triggers on the IEDs have become so sensitive the terrorists are accidentally detonating them as they hide them.
Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/campaigns/our_boys/2869375/20-Taliban-blown-up-by-their-own-bombs.html#ixzz0ghR9a4pD
BT Comment: It's times like these that I give this award gladly without pent up frustration towards the recipient. If these guys could just keep blowing themseleves up it would make things alot easier for the good guys. May these fanatically Muslim, lethally roadside whoopee cushions continue to blow up in their radical freedom hating faces.
so I guess it's back to the drawing board...