The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments.
George Washington
BT comment: I agree with Wasington when he uses the term "marvel". When I see the approval/disapproval ratings currently for this administration I wonder(marvel) that they are not near 100% against what is going on in our country. I am not that smart, but can connect most of the dots as to what is being thrust upon us by liberal progressives(the new populists). I think that the Tea Party movement is indicative of the end of the "patience" that Washington referred to. For those who love the Constitution our patience is not worn thin, it no longer exists.
The progressive agenda will be pushed on us regardless, but the time has come and is now here where the are those of us who will not submit to it. Peaceful resistance is the venue against all who do not honor the rule of law as mandated by the Constitution.
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