This week's award goes to White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs for mocking the more vastly intelligent Sarah Palin for writing notes on the palm of her hand prior to giving a speech. Here is a Press Secretary who can barely answer the press in a coherent manner let alone give an honest answer. And, who also works for the Socialist in Chief who also cannot address an audience without the use of his beloved teleprompter.
BT note: I will endeavor to make this a weekly feature here at BT Nation. Also, as easy as it would be to nominate Barack Obama every week, I will try to choose a different winner so as to give this feature some variety. It may be hard to pick a winner each week as there are so many on the left, here and abroad, vying for this coveted award. So here is to Mr. Gibbs being the first winner to freshen up.
I guess Palin does not understand satire and she complains about telaprompters, but does this hand jive, what a hypocrite. I have not seen this since junior high. She is so perfect for “Fake News”, so much for being a private citizen. I guess Palin failed to watch President Obama answer questions at the GOP retreat in Baltimore, no teleprompters or crib notes on the hand. But I guess those facts would only blow her poor little Beauty Queen from smallville mind, who could not finish her highest office that she ever held, quit making excuses for her! WOW and some call her a leader…….please.
ReplyDeletePalin does not attack based on satire, she attacks(as most conservatives do)on policy. Speaking of satire, she was more than gracious while being lampooned on SNL.
ReplyDeleteAs for Obama fielding questions from the GOP... He may have managed to crank out a few coherent falsehoods, but a lie spoken eloquently or not is still a lie.
Sorry that you have a problem with her attractive appearance. I kind of like it. Unfortunately for liberals it is only surpassed by her character and expertise. I give her high praise for leaving her post in Alaska to more effectively push the conservative agenda on behalf of the whole country. Meanwhile, as a senator, Obama logged less than 150 days in the acutal Senate,and could barely muster more than a "Present" vote unless it was something that meant more government spending.
Obama never ran, managed, or self-started anything in his sad, pathetic life. He's just a community agitator that now has the national stage on which to inflict his socialist agenda.
I don't call her a leader, yet. But the left is scared to death of her because she is real and honest. And her message resonates across the real America.
Lastly, when it comes to excuses, Obama is the biggest crybaby when it comes to excuses. Constantly blaming the prior administration for all his woes when he himself voted for the bills that have come back to plague our country.
(Side note: I often write my order number on the palm of my hand after I order a pizza for pick up. Also, my dad has written notes on the palm of his hand for years and he's one of the smartest, most honest people I know. That's how we do things here in Smallville.)
Well stated, BT. As with cue cards, written reminders are not at all stupid. Average to exceedingly intelligent people have been known to write on the palm of their hands from time to time, and speakers may refer to them in order to keep from being derailed by one topic. Sarah Palin is aware of this and is obviously confident enough not to worry about the haters. Real and honest people want to hear what she has to SAY, and aren't distracted by lame attempts, including those quick to jump on the misogynistic bandwagon, to discredit her intelligence, integrity, and good common sense with inane criticism. For those on the lookout, lemme know when the poor thing is called on the carpet for intentional gassing or picking her nose, so I can applaud her zest for realism on the red carpet. (JK)
ReplyDeleteVery well stated Gina. A better follow up I could not have penned.
ReplyDeleteBesides... seems to me the original palm pilot was highly underrated, and if you could be fly on their filthy hands you'd see, they prolly ALL do it!
ReplyDeleteBobby Gibbs:
Gibbs is a p-word.