(Note: There is no racial slur intended in the title. It is a variation on the children's fable entitled "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".)
When will the whining stop? When will the finger pointing cease? Who will bring an end to the petty pillorying of George W. Bush and his administration? The solution is not to be found in Barack Obama. The question should be... When will Obama man up? When will he own the post that he campaigned for? Will the process of metamorphosis ever take place that would transform our president from an angry crybaby into a responsible leader?
It's always easier to blame someone else when something goes wrong. Probably even easier than lying. Of course blaming someone else when you are at fault is a form of lying.(Ah, two birds with one stone.) Nobody likes a crybaby... Atleast not for long. Unless that person is whining about the same thing other people are carping about too (company loves misery). That would be the mainstream media for Obama. But it may be that even they are tiring of making George Bush the scapegoat. Weary of reflexively invoking the name of the former president when things go awry. Maybe they are starting to see the gross incomptence that marks the Obama administration. Possibly even they are becoming just a little scared at what could potentially befall our country with this "man child" at the helm? Say what you want about George W. Bush... but the only time he ever came close to being a crybaby was when he addressed the country right after 9/11 when his eyes welled up. You see, real men cry for the right reason at the right time. Crybabies... they just point their finger and whine all of the time.
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