If you are a liberal Democrat you must have a wallet full of these cards. If you are a Conservative, republican you must have picked the card "Go to jail, go directly to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.00."
In the recent(and not too recent)past liberals have gotten away with all types of derogatory behaviour and statements. These are the guys that are supposed to be for the little guy. The underdog. The everyman. But their words bely their true feelings.
Most recently, Senator Harry Reid apologized for making racist statements about the leader of his own party referencing that Obama was light skinned and didn't speak with a Negroe dialect if he didn't want to. He also once stated that you could tell when the great unwashed(we the electorate) would converge on Washington DC because you could actually smell the stench of the approaching hoards. The president's own running mate and vice president Joe Biden referred to Obama as "clean and articulate". Who says this kind of stuff? Elitists, that's who. Yet these guys get a pass from their own party, constituents and the mainstream media. Who else do you know who talks like this? Latent and/or blatant racists, that's who.
The democrat party is the one place where you will find the longest serving senator(Robert Byrd) who also happens to have been a member of the KKK. Yet the Republican party wanted no parts of David Duke who made runs for various positons within the party. Duke is a former Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan. Oh, I seem to remember Byrd using the "N" word on a filmed interview too.
Even Jessie Jackson, a black man, a civil rights icon used the "N" word during a Fox News interview in 2008. He was unaware that the microphone was still on during the break when he uttered the dreaded word referring to Obama. I don't get that. I guess it's like a guy can call his woman the "B" word but don't let anyone else do it. No, it's wrong. It's wrong for anyone to call a black person a n*gger just like it would be wrong for anyone to call a woman a b*tch(hello Senator Schumer).
Now I realize that we all stick our foot in our mouth at some point in life. That we say something that comes out wrong but was not meant to hurt anyone. Or even mutter an unkind word in anger or frustration. But it is chilling in that these guys are very casual in their utterances.
I am by no means an Obama fan. My disdain for him has nothing to do with his color or his dialect, or lack thereof. It is purely regarding his facist/socialist policies(I guess that would make him Red?). Then there are those who voted for him because he was black. Not caring how detrimental his policies would be to the country. And behind door number three there is the most paradoxical group... those that love his policies but can't get beyond his skin color. Still, they hold their nose's and pull the lever on election day. I guess in some instances maybe liberlism trumps racism.
Racism, anti-Semitism, chauvanism... name the ism, it's out there. But I think most Americans are fair and decent people. People who view others based on the content of their character. If that is so, may we start electing officials who reflect that decency. Until then, I say apply the standards equally. Stop giving these guys free passes. Stop trying to widen the racial divide. Stop using minorities as a means to a political end. It separates us as Americans and diminishes us as a people. Unlike Monopoly, this is not a game. But if it were, right now Harry Reid would be the shoe. Either because he has his foot in his mouth or he should get the boot.
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