Mr. Global warming himself, Al Gore, would have you believe that we as human beings are causing man-made warming of the planet. Well, it's January 5, 2010 and I'm freezing my naughty bits off. It reminds me of how cold it was back in the 1970's. The Delaware River was frozen for weeks at a time. If you didn't want to pay the toll you could walk to Jersey from Philly. Back then the cries were warning of global cooling. A new ice age.
Well, which is it? I say it's neither. Or both. The sun and the earth go through cycles. On a micro level we call them seasons. Things warm up a little more when the sun is active with sun spots. Consequently, less so without the sun spots. But Mr. Gore would have you believe differently and with good reason. He stands to profit greatly(more so than he has already) by selling us carbon credits. Meanwhile, he uses more energy on his own private estate in one month than you or I use in a year. Yeah, those elitists are always good at telling us how to live, but never seem to take their own medicine. Other entities hoping to reap billion$ are GE and NBC. They've invested alot of money in going green and the present administration is real cozy with these players. By the way, carbon is what we expel when we breathe out and what plants take in via photosynthesis and in turn produce oxygen, which we in turn breathe in.
So in an age when they still have trouble predicting the weather from week to week, don't believe a bunch of self serving elitists who say that your very existence is destroying the planet. I will acquiesce though, in that the planet's temperature is changing. Right now I call it winter. Personally, I am partial to global warming which I like to call, summer.
yeh, that's what kind of arguments were heard about the "INSANITY" of those who "CLAIMED" the earth was NOT FLAT, it actualy is ROUND !
ReplyDeleteThat insanity almost brought the discoverer to his execution ! We've made progress since then, we don't execute them any longer, but we still REJECT science !
True Science these days with the proper methodology and reportage should actually confirm the absolute truth of God's word, in as much as He would have us discover. When it doesn't, somebody's wrong and it ain't HIM!
ReplyDeleteGore really needs to get a new schtick.
I agree. The current conclusion regarding global warming is based on a "consensus". True science is not on a consensus basis. It is reaching a conclusion by performing an experiment repeatedly thereby reaching a definitive conclusion. Also, those reaching a consensus are only those who buy into the theory/myth to begin with. These biased intellectuals fail to include all of the scientists who choose to disagree with "the consensus".