It's taken over five years but John F Kerry has been replaced as the best known flip flopper. Enter, Barack Hussein Obama.
In his first year our president has shown himself to be slow to speak(and also quite weak when tardy)when the situation calls for atleast verbal action. But, when the situation does not demand or require a public statement(atleast not immediately), there he is commenting on that which he does not know.
Back in July of 2009 Professor Henry Gates(a black American) was arrested by Cambridge police who were responding to a 911 call regarding possible intruders. The arresting officers, only acting on the 911 call and the situation upon their arrival asked Prof. Gates to comply with police protocol Granted, the good professor was only trying to get into his own house for which he had forgotten his key to unlock his front door. But he resisted the officers while berating them as racists. Before hearing the whole story(by his own admission) Obama proceeded to proclaim the Cambridge officers actions as stupid. Race to the microphone, comment on what you do not know. Not a danger to national security, but a blow to race relations in present day America.
Just this past Christmas of 2009, a radical Muslim from Nigeria tried to blow up a Northwest Airline plane. But, thank God his exploding undies malfunctioned. Now this scenario contains both elements of Obama's bad timing and poor choice of words. It took 4 days for him to comment and when he did, he said that the terrorist acted alone and that it was an isolated incident. In the interim his head of the FSA, Janet Napolitano went through her own verbal gymnastics, flipflopping like a fresh caught fish on the deck of a boat. But, back to the Commander in Chief... Turns out less than a week later it wasn't so isolated an incident and that our president is now saying that it was the act of an Al qaeda type.
Now some will say that we are all human or everybody makes mistakes. Granted. But these are big and bigger mistakes. Signs of indescretion and incompetence. For most of us, if we make many small or a few big mistakes, we are out of a job. Out of a relationship. Lose our drivers license. Accrue a bad credit report. That's how the real world works. Most conservatives understand this. Most liberals make excuses and employ moral relativism. In my perfect world, my president would understand that the men and women in blue are the thin line between order and chaos in our communities. And in my perfect world, my president would walk stridently(wearing a tie) to the microphone and say as eloquently as possible that we are going to kick the collective butts of all who dare plot and/or attempt to attack the United States of America and it's peoples. I guess it's one thing us freedom loving citizens of America have in common with the Islamic terrorists. We both respect strength. So until 2012, instead of a steel toe boot, we are stuck with a flip flop.
In his first year our president has shown himself to be slow to speak(and also quite weak when tardy)when the situation calls for atleast verbal action. But, when the situation does not demand or require a public statement(atleast not immediately), there he is commenting on that which he does not know.
Back in July of 2009 Professor Henry Gates(a black American) was arrested by Cambridge police who were responding to a 911 call regarding possible intruders. The arresting officers, only acting on the 911 call and the situation upon their arrival asked Prof. Gates to comply with police protocol Granted, the good professor was only trying to get into his own house for which he had forgotten his key to unlock his front door. But he resisted the officers while berating them as racists. Before hearing the whole story(by his own admission) Obama proceeded to proclaim the Cambridge officers actions as stupid. Race to the microphone, comment on what you do not know. Not a danger to national security, but a blow to race relations in present day America.
Just this past Christmas of 2009, a radical Muslim from Nigeria tried to blow up a Northwest Airline plane. But, thank God his exploding undies malfunctioned. Now this scenario contains both elements of Obama's bad timing and poor choice of words. It took 4 days for him to comment and when he did, he said that the terrorist acted alone and that it was an isolated incident. In the interim his head of the FSA, Janet Napolitano went through her own verbal gymnastics, flipflopping like a fresh caught fish on the deck of a boat. But, back to the Commander in Chief... Turns out less than a week later it wasn't so isolated an incident and that our president is now saying that it was the act of an Al qaeda type.
Now some will say that we are all human or everybody makes mistakes. Granted. But these are big and bigger mistakes. Signs of indescretion and incompetence. For most of us, if we make many small or a few big mistakes, we are out of a job. Out of a relationship. Lose our drivers license. Accrue a bad credit report. That's how the real world works. Most conservatives understand this. Most liberals make excuses and employ moral relativism. In my perfect world, my president would understand that the men and women in blue are the thin line between order and chaos in our communities. And in my perfect world, my president would walk stridently(wearing a tie) to the microphone and say as eloquently as possible that we are going to kick the collective butts of all who dare plot and/or attempt to attack the United States of America and it's peoples. I guess it's one thing us freedom loving citizens of America have in common with the Islamic terrorists. We both respect strength. So until 2012, instead of a steel toe boot, we are stuck with a flip flop.
Like the pic. BT... The wrap up was quite imaginative and the content crisp and focused.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I think BO is finding himself in a quagmire of confusion. These are some difficult days. I am sure that every time something like this happens he is faced with the question: " What would George Bush do?" Naturally he's got to head in in the opposite direction, lest he come off as some kind of hypocrite. The man has all kinds of rhetoric but his personality is not of the fatherly/cowboy stuff we want to see and hear when this kind of crap happens. It's early in his administration and he's probably still trying to reconcile his own peace-loving golf shirt wearing personality with reality. Finding himself. I would not want his job...
When you have core values of what is right and what is wrong it is less likely to become confused. I think that Obama acts and speaks based on his own world view. As you know the Bible says that as a man believeth in his heart, so is he. And, that out of the abundance of the(same)heart, the mouth speaks. Of course it's a little more difficult to discern when you are dealing with politicians. I wish that he would save his harsher words for the terrorists, not honorable policemen and political opponents.
ReplyDeleteAs for wanting or not wanting his job... Well, it is the job that he wanted and now has. All he needs to do is that job. To stop being a crybaby and stop blaming George W. Bush.
Hey, love the flip flops. Yes we now have the flip-flopper in chief. Also, don't forget what happened on your birthday, the Ft. Hood shooting. BO was out there saying that we shouldn't jump to conclusions. What about the Cambridge incident? You, Mr. Obama were jumping to conclusions in criticizing the police. You can't have it both ways. Your reaction to the Ft. Hood shooting was frankly odd. You were giving shout outs to Joe Medicine Crow, and refused to use the word "terrorism". You are a weak leader.
ReplyDeleteArt Vandelay
Good call. Thanks for referencing the Ft Hood attack.
ReplyDeletenow don't be jumping to conclusions, BT. Give the man some time to grow a steel toed boot. After all, he's got no experience...
ReplyDeleteNeither did George W. Bush after 9/11. Neither did FDR after Pearl Harbor. Obama routinely ignores those around him who have the experience. His generals. Unless the man has some sort of epiphany he will not change. It's not even so much a matter of experience as it is about wisdom. His world view and philosophy is devoid of such a highly prized character trait. Therefore, the man is lacking as well.
ReplyDeleteWell stated, BT.
ReplyDeleteDaniel 11:36-39 (New King James Version)
36 “Then the king shall do according to his own will: he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished; for what has been determined shall be done. 37 He shall regard neither the God[a] of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all. 38 But in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses; and a god which his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and pleasant things. 39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain.
Daniel is speaking of the Antichrist in this text. Of course, I don't believe Obama to be "the Antichrist" although he may well be anti-Christ in his beliefs. Still, his methods would appear to be a precursor for that one who will implement and rule over a one world system some day.