This man that Obama has appointed as Attorney General of the United States... no better friend could a captured or an aspiring terrorist hope for. But if you are a law loving, gun owning US citizen... a greater foe you could not have.
This guy has a long history of being sympathetic to terrorists. Way back, as the good old days of the Clinton administration were winding down, Holder was instrumental in some obligatory pardons as granted by presidents in their final days in office. One of these pardons granted was for the FALN known as a Puerto Rican nationlist terroist group in 1999. Fast forward to 2009...
In less than one year Holder has expedited the closing of Club Gitmo(where all the bad guys are being held). He has made it mandatory for captured terrorist(I'm sorry, alleged terrorists)to be mirandized(you have the right to remain silent, blah, blah, blah). That last one means getting all lawyered up too. And, instead of being tried military style these guys will be tried via the US court system. This may just be the beginning.
So it makes one wonder what the final days of the Obama presidency will look like, pardon-wise that is. Could KSM possibly be up for a pardon if he winds up being convicted in New York? What about the failed Christmas day bomber, Umar Farouk ofwmb%h&@iteolf$xzhbvyu (I hate that these guys have such long frickin' names)? Isn't it bad enough that he will probably get skin grafts at taxpayer expense just because he flunked Exploding Skivvies 101 at Al Qaeda day camp? May as well do the guy a solid while you're at it Eric and let him go. Right?
In the end remember, Barack Obama appointed this guy. If not for any other reason but that Holder represents Obama's worldview on how to deal with those who want to kill us. The confiscation of legal firearms is looming on the Obama/Holder docket which will make it more precarious to defend against those pardoned, as well as keeping in check an increasingly tyrannical government. Me... I side with the "bitter" people that cling to their God and their guns. Eric... he sides with bitter Islamo-fascists who cling to the Koran and exploding undergarments. So if history is any indication, be prepared in 2011 to say "Pardon?!"
Pinned the tail on that one, BT. Something smells like a rotten Chiquita.
ReplyDeleteThis guy's the douche bag that called Americans essentially a nation of cowards when it comes to race relations. You, Mr. Holder are the coward. Just do your job. Where do they find these guys? Holder must go!