Poor Noah Webster. He must be rolling over in his grave. Again. The last time his long dead corpse engaged in such post mortem gymnastics Bill Clinton was testifying at his own impeachment hearing. There he quipped " It depends on what the meaning of is is". The definitions of other words were just as elusive to the former president. Words like "alone" or "sexual relations". For a rhodes scholar this guy seemed pretty dim. But then, they didn't call him "Slick Willy" for nothing. I guess if he had more book learnin' and knew what the words meant they would have called him "Smart Willie". But I digress...
It appears that Barack Obama took the same English courses as the last democrat commander in chief. Candidate Obama promised numerous times as recorded on video, that hearings on the his looming healthcare legislation would be "public" and "transparent". He also mentioned in the same breath that the meetings would be covered by CSPAN. Well, instead of public, the meetings have been private. And, while Obama and the democrats motives may be transparent, the meetings themselves have been quite the opposite. Then there is poor CSPAN... sitting by the phone waiting. And waiting... And waiting...
I suggest that the President pick up a dictionary and look up the words in question. Then he may want to look up words like deceitful, dishonest or liar. Oh look, there's a picture of Bill Clinton next to that last one. But don't worry Barack, you'll have your chance when the revised edition comes out.
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ReplyDeletehe's such a butt head. I'm sorry.A crack-butt.
ReplyDeleteGood grief, S. Where is the dignity? I guess we (as a nation) go through our phases, and maybe psychologically needed some comic relief after George Bush,Sr. The timing was right and one comic/musician/adulterer from Arkansas would suffice. It would be nice if we never had to deal with the embarrassment but.." ahhhhh... no one's perfect". Come on...(do your impersonation)
See I still get a laugh.