Saturday, January 2, 2010

Marathon man

Over the New Year's holiday weekend most guys were treated to not only the semi-annual Twilight Zone marathon, but also a Three Stooges marathon. I say guys because for the most part they seem to fall under "it's a guy thing". Maybe one show more than the other. The only thing that could have upped the ante would be if there was a Gilligans Island marathon. A guy can dream, can't he?


  1. Marathon magic, oh so tragic
    when a woman wants to play
    he'll prefer the Stooge to her
    while 'Twilight' kills the day

    and brooding over singleness
    in her adjoining room
    wondering how it came to this
    the endless sense of doom

    can't we find the middle ground
    or limit episodes
    Seinfeld or the King of Queens
    would ease the girli-toads

    make her life more bearable
    come on guys, don't delay
    off that flat screen hamster wheel
    Barone says, "Not Today!"

  2. Nice intermingling of TV cultural references. Ones that any couch potatoe can appreciate.

  3. I feel like Marie. Looking on with pride. I'll try to be more supportive in the following post and am looking forward to reading more of your thoughts on whatever gets your attention. Thanks.

  4. Yes, it's safe. It's very safe. No, it's not safe. Not safe at all. Sounds like an Obama response instead of a line from a movie.
