Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hopey, changey musical

Obama musical set to open in Germany

BERLIN – A musical about Barack Obama's "Yes we can" election campaign premieres in Germany this weekend, including love songs by the president to his wife Michelle and duets with Hillary Clinton.

Even John McCain and Sarah Palin are given stage time, with actors portraying the losing Republican candidates and belting out songs on their behalf.

(The only thing worse than living through this Obamanation would be to see it set to music. I for one can't wait until the curtain falls on this administration.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The iron curtain? So Wait...are you saying that OUR PRESIDENT AND HIS WIFE are entertaining the Germans on some back alley in Berlin? Some people have way too much time on their hands, I mean, WHY would they want to do that? Worse yet, to have to PAY to see it! I guess it will wind up on You Tube...or maybe they'll take the show on the road to some back alley in America. Off Broadway.

  3. No, the President and first lady are not starring in their own biographical, musical extravaganza. I just didn't print the whole article for the sake of the space it would have taken in the post. Unfortunately the real thing is playing front and center as a first drama in D.C.

  4. I heard a little bit of the soundtrack for this musical... "It's spring time, for liberals, and obamabots... It's winter for red states and Fox."

  5. Thank you for the clarification. After Bill Clinton and the antics of his traveling wife, nothing would surprise or shock me. Almost.

    A cold hard winter indeed. He said it would get worse before it got better. If better for them is worse for us, and it's worse for us now... Bundle up and hang onto your change!

  6. I like this line "Unfortunately the real thing is playing front and center as a first drama in D.C."

  7. Should have read "first run drama". But thanks.
