Sunday, January 31, 2010
Joe Biden-2008 Spelling Bee Runner Up
Gibbs: Cost of Obama's jobs push in range of $100B
1 hr 51 mins ago
WASHINGTON – White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says President Barack Obama's push to create jobs may carry a price tag in the $100 billion range.
Gibbs says the idea is to help fill in the hole from jobs lost in the deepest recession to hit the country in decades.
In his State of the Union address last week, Obama called for a program costing about $30 billion in incentives to employers to hire workers. The plan would include tax breaks to small businesses that increase their work force.
Gibbs did not say in an interview Sunday with CNN's "State of the Union" how the $100 billion figure would be broken down. That total includes money set aside for public works projects.
BT comment: When the Obama administration mentions it's jobs initiative, one should consider another one of VP Biden's three letter words... COST???
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Today's high in BT Nation was a toasty 19 degrees

The good news is we know what to do. The good news is, we have everything we need now to respond to the challenge of global warming. We have all the technologies we need, more are being developed, and as they become available and become more affordable when produced in scale, they will make it easier to respond. But we should not wait, we cannot wait, we must not wait.
AL GORE, speech at National Sierra Club Convention, Sept. 9, 2005
We have many advantages in the fight against global warming, but time is not one of them. Instead of idly debating the precise extent of global warming, or the precise timeline of global warming, we need to deal with the central facts of rising temperatures, rising waters, and all the endless troubles that global warming will bring. We stand warned by serious and credible scientists across the world that time is short and the dangers are great. The most relevant question now is whether our own government is equal to the challenge.
JOHN MCCAIN, speech, May 12, 2008
All across the world, in every kind of environment and region known to man, increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster.
BARACK OBAMA, speech, Apr. 3, 2006
America's Father on government
I know you are, but what am I?

An ideologue
Function: noun
Etymology: French idéologue, back-formation from idéologie
Date: 1815
1 : an impractical idealist : theorist
2 : an often blindly partisan advocate or adherent of a particular ideology
BT comment: At a recent appearance in Tampa, Obama stated rather emphatically that he was not an ideologue. The only part of the definition that I could possibly agree with him on is the term "blindly". I think that everything that he says and does is with great and sober purpose. I think that he is intentionally and forcefully implementing his brand of progressive socialism with all due diligence. That is why he is deaf to the cries of the electorate. If anything, the more he hears the cries of woe he himself is inflicting, the more it affirms his lefist mission while he is in office. Liberals thrive on choas and disruption. Where there is peace and prosperity they will endeavor to create tumult so that those suffering will turn to them for relief. Liberals need victims. Victims think they need liberals.
So is he stupid, misguided or just evil? Well, he is Harvard educated. He is an adult with a mind of his own. But that only leaves...
As for knowing the definitions of words... Maybe he doesn't really know the meaning of ideologue. Just like he doesn't know the meaning of transparent.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
State of the Union rebuttal from Mr. Jefferson

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government
Thomas Jefferson
America dodges another bullet aka The Breck Girl
By MIKE BAKER, Associated Press Writer Mike Baker, Associated Press Writer – 36 mins ago
RALEIGH, N.C. – Elizabeth Edwards has separated from her husband, two-time presidential candidate John Edwards, after a tumultuous three years in which the couple's marital troubles became tabloid fodder.
Andrea Purse, a friend of Elizabeth Edwards, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that the couple has separated. She released a statement on behalf of the 60-year-old mother of four that said, "Elizabeth is moving on with her life and wants to put this difficult chapter behind her."
North Carolina law requires couples to be separated for a year before divorcing.
The announcement comes as details emerge from a tell-all book by longtime Edwards aide Andrew Young, who initially claimed that he fathered a child with John Edwards' mistress in the weeks leading up to the crucial presidential primaries. John Edwards publicly declared last week that he was the father of the child with Rielle Hunter, who worked as a videographer before his second presidential campaign in 2008.
BT comment: If John F. Kerry (who served in Vietnam) would've won the 2004 election, Edwards would've been a proverbial heartbeat away from the presidency. And then, a possible canidate for the presidency(again). What a train wreck. This guy was Bill Clinton with a coif obsession.
A wise man once told me that if a man cheats on his spouse, then it's safe to say that he would cheat on his business partner(or his business in general). In the case of politicians substitute business for country. Clinton proved that axiom and it appears Edwards did also, just without ascending to the highest office in the land.
RALEIGH, N.C. – Elizabeth Edwards has separated from her husband, two-time presidential candidate John Edwards, after a tumultuous three years in which the couple's marital troubles became tabloid fodder.
Andrea Purse, a friend of Elizabeth Edwards, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that the couple has separated. She released a statement on behalf of the 60-year-old mother of four that said, "Elizabeth is moving on with her life and wants to put this difficult chapter behind her."
North Carolina law requires couples to be separated for a year before divorcing.
The announcement comes as details emerge from a tell-all book by longtime Edwards aide Andrew Young, who initially claimed that he fathered a child with John Edwards' mistress in the weeks leading up to the crucial presidential primaries. John Edwards publicly declared last week that he was the father of the child with Rielle Hunter, who worked as a videographer before his second presidential campaign in 2008.
BT comment: If John F. Kerry (who served in Vietnam) would've won the 2004 election, Edwards would've been a proverbial heartbeat away from the presidency. And then, a possible canidate for the presidency(again). What a train wreck. This guy was Bill Clinton with a coif obsession.
A wise man once told me that if a man cheats on his spouse, then it's safe to say that he would cheat on his business partner(or his business in general). In the case of politicians substitute business for country. Clinton proved that axiom and it appears Edwards did also, just without ascending to the highest office in the land.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Pro-Life Super Bowl Ad to Feature College Football Star Tim Tebow -- Politics Daily

Pro-Life Super Bowl Ad to Feature College Football Star Tim Tebow -- Politics Daily
The pro-abortion crowd is already screaming and trying to shut down this commercial to air during "The Big Game". Again... I thought that this was America where free speech is encouraged and protected by the Constitution. Let the pro-death crowd come out with their own commercial. That's the American way. But they can't or won't. How do you couch the topic of abortion in a positive light? Sure, they would try to spin it and talk about womens reproductive rights. But the commercial to air is not attacking anyone's rights. So why can't pro-life groups in turn talk about and celebrate the life of those most vulnerable among us?
Typically, this is another case of the Left crying foul. Meanwhile they can't be upfront about their own agenda. They are not pro-choice. There is no money to be made, no furthering of their cause if the woman chooses life. It is the first of three things guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence. Life.
God bless Tebow,his mother and all the mothers who have chosen life. Who have given unselfishly to those to whom they have given this gift.
If only Obama had some "Friends" at the SOTU
Just be prepared for tomorrow night's State of Union message from President Obama.
This is Obama's chance to triangulate, to run to the center. A potential "pivot" point if you will. After suffering the blow of the Scott Brown election Obama has a chance to to really "change" much like Bill Clinton did after the "94" victories of the Republican Congress. And he won't do it. He can't do it. He is so steeped in his own socialist ideology that it is not in him to truly move to the center. Clinton was less the ideologue and a little more concerned with polls which enabled him to make that move. Obama will propose solutions to our present ills but they will all be based in government. Not government getting out of the way to allow American exceptionalism to run free, but big brother doling out targeted tax breaks and shouting ever louder the precepts of his majorly rejected agenda. Watch the rhetoric. It will all sound nice and hearken back to the ole "Hope and Change" pap. Then watch what follows in the days ahead.
And finally, note that there will be thinly(maybe not so thinly) veiled excuses and blame thrust on the ever maligned George W. Bush administration. There will be no turning, no pivoting in this speech. It will be more of the same and full steam ahead. But the American people are waking up and beginning to see that regardless of party, less government is better for us all. It is we who are doing the pivoting.
Now watch the video and have a good laugh.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
High Court rules in favor of free speech

I don't take a dime of their [lobbyist] money, and when I am president, they won't find a job in my White House.
Barack Obama
Obama calls campaign finance ruling `devastating'
By DARLENE SUPERVILLE, Associated Press Writer Darlene Superville, Associated Press Writer – 51 mins ago
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama says he can't imagine "anything more devastating to the public interest" than the Supreme Court's decision to ease limits on campaign spending by corporations and labor unions.
He also suggested in his radio and Internet address Saturday that the ruling could jeopardize his domestic agenda.
In the 5-4 decision Thursday, the high court threw out parts of a 63-year-old law that said companies and unions can be prohibited from using their own money to produce and run campaign ads that urge the election or defeat of particular candidates by name.
"This ruling opens the floodgates for an unlimited amount of special interest money into our democracy," the president said. "It gives the special interest lobbyists new leverage to spend millions on advertising to persuade elected officials to vote their way — or to punish those who don't."
Obama said that means lawmakers who stand up to Wall Street banks, oil companies, health insurers and other powerful interests could find themselves under attack at election time.
"I can't think of anything more devastating to the public interest," he said. "The last thing we need to do is hand more influence to the lobbyists in Washington or more power to the special interests to tip the outcome of elections."
The ruling came out as lawmakers make re-election plans and as Obama's Democratic Party feels the pressure from losses in New Jersey, Virginia and in Massachusetts, where Republican Scott Brown came from behind to win a Senate seat on Tuesday that Democrats had held for decades.
Obama said the decision will make it harder to enact financial, tax, health care and energy changes.
BT Comment: Right away I have to think... if this guy is against it, it's got to be a good thing for America. Of all people, he is the last person to rail against lobbyists. This White House, this administration is replete with lobbyists and special interests. I say, anything that renders more freedom of speech is a good thing. Always remembering that with freedom comes responsibility. Just reading the last line of the article makes me agree with the decision. Plus, it raises up competition to George Soros and
Here is a list of lobbyists in the Obama Administration. I guess he only wants "certain" lobbyists to have influence.
Lobbyists ties to the Obama administration
From Conservapedia
Lobbyists ties to the Obama administration describes the undisclosed [1] deal-makers and the people they have represented, that are likely to benefit from working in the Obama Administration. “Your voices should speak louder than the whispers of lobbyists,” Senator Obama told a crowd in Green Bay, Wis., in September.
(B) Bundler [2]
“ "Bundlers are people with friends in high places who, after bumping against personal contribution limits, turn to those friends, associates, and, well, anyone who's willing to give, and deliver the checks to the candidate in one big "bundle." ”
(R) Revolving Door is an individual that rotates working for the private sectors and the federal government.
Lobbyist: Obama assignment: On behalf: Relationships with: Additional info:
Thomas Wheeler Science, Tech, Space and Arts Team Telecom Services & Equipment Telecom Co. B, R
Robert Sussman Energy and Natural Resources Team Latham & Watkins Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, Navistar International, Business Roundtable [2] B, R
Todd Stern Executive Office of the President Team Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering Pharmaceutical Clients R
David Hays Energy and Natural Resources Team Latham & Watkins Sempra Energy R
Michael Huerta Transportation Team Salt Lake Winter Olympics Org Cmte International Olympic Committee R
Tom Donilon National Security Team Telecom Services & Equipment Fannie Mae R (reporting more than $40 million in lobbying activity during 1999-2005)
Theodore M. Shaw Justice and Civil Rights Team NAACP Legal Defense Fund NAACP R
Keith Harper Energy and Natural Resources Team Kilpatrick Stockton Frank's Landing Indian Community, Poarch Band of Creek Indians, Elouise Cobell R
Jim Kohlenberger Science, Tech, Space and Arts Team Kohlenberer Strategic Consulting Voice on the Net Coalition R
Melody Barnes Agency Review Co-Chairs Raben Group American Constitution Society R
Steven Beckman Executive Office of the President Team . . .
Bart Chilton Energy and Natural Resources Team Leads National Farmers Union Farmers Educational Cooperative Union .
Christopher Cooper Justice and Civil Rights Airports Council International & Cement Kiln Recycling Coalition Airports Council International & Cement Kiln Recycling Coalition R
Diane Cornell Science, Tech, Space and Arts Team Inmarsat Inmarsat .
Bill Corr Department of Health and Human Services Team Campaign For Tobacco Free Kids Campaign For Tobacco Free Kids R
Carol Carmody Transportation Team Carmody, Carol J Air Transport Assn of America R
Patricia Campos Executive Office of the President Team UNITE HERE UNITE HERE .
Michael Deich Executive Office of the President Team Van Scoyoc Assoc Sacramento County Airport System R (4th largest lobbying firm in America, $198,348,000. from '98 to '08)[3]
Gary Epstein Economics and International Trade Team . . R
Sally Ericsson Science, Tech, Space and Arts Team Ericsson, Sally Pacific Forest Trust .
Michael Fitzpatric Government Operations Team . . R
Pamela Gilbert Department of Health and Human Services Team Cuneo, Waldman & Gilbert American Assn of Justice, Barr Laboratories, Center for Justice & Democracy, Committee to Support the Antitrust Laws, Korein Tillery R
Stephanie Foster Government Operations Team Planned Parenthood Action Fund Planned Parenthood .
Ralph Everett Science, Tech, Space and Arts Team Paul, Hastings et al American Moving & Storage Assn, Assn of Public Television Stations, AT&T Inc, City of Tallahassee, FL., Clear Channel Communications, General Electric, Optimal Group, Philips Electronics North America, Progress Energy R
Jane Garvey Transportation Team APCO Worldwide Steris Corp R
Al Lenhardt Executive Office of the President Team National Crime Prevention Council National Crime Prevention Council .
Judith Lichtman Justice and Civil Rights Team Natl Partnership for Women & Families Natl Partnership for Women & Families .
Mona Mohib Education & Labor Team Peyser Assoc City of Macon, GA., City of Seattle, WA., Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, US Transit Suppliers Coalition .
Scott Harris Science, Tech, Space and Arts Team . . B, R
James Halpert Science, Tech, Space and Arts Team . . .
Sally Katzen Working Group Members; Government Operations Team; Executive Office of the President Team Katzen, Sally Amgen R
Paul Kurtz National Security Team Cyber Security Industry Alliance Cyber Security Industry Alliance .
Miriam Nisbet Government Operations Team American Library Assn American Library Assn .
Helen Norton Justice and Civil Rights Team Natl Partnership for Women & Families Natl Partnership for Women & Families .
Daniel Restrepo National Security Team Center for American Progress Center for American Progress .
Marcie Roth Justice and Civil Rights Team National Council on Independent Living National Council on Independent Living .
Mara Eve Rudman Executive Office of the President Team Quorum Strategies American Insurance Assn R
Henry M. Rivera Science, Tech, Space and Arts Team Shook, Hardy & Bacon Catholic Television Network R
David Tucker Department of Health and Human Services Team . . .
Peter Umhofer Executive Office of the President Team Kanner & Assoc Missouri River Energy Services, Northern California Power Agency, Ohio Municipal Electric Assn R
Bert Steele III National Security Team . . R
Maria Echaveste [4] Adviser on Immigration United Farm Workers United Farm Workers .
Mark Gitenstein Transition Management Issues . U.S. Chamber of Commerce, AT&T Inc., Ernst & Young LLP, Merrill Lynch & Co .
John Podesta Director of the CIA Center for American Progress Center for American Progress R
Thomas Perrelli Justice Department Advisor Jenner & Block LLP Fannie Mae, General Motors, Hollywood Studios, RIAA R,(worked on behalf the husband of Terri Schiavo)
Cassandra Butts Deputy White House Counsel Center for American Progress Center for American Progress, NAACP Legal Defense Fund Departing administration for a position at the Millennium Challenge Corporation [5]
Carol Browner Energy Coordinator (Czar) Citizen Action Center for American Progress, Alliance for Climate Protection, Citizen Action, APX, Inc, League of Conservation Voters, Albright Group R, (Spouse is a lobbyist for ExxonMobil and a dozen firms on energy policy)(Carol is a member of Socialist International) [6]
William Lynn Deputy Defense Secretary Raytheon [7] Raytheon R
Mark Patterson Chief of staff for Treasury Secretary Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs .
Christine Varney Justice Department Hogan & Hartson eBay, Fox Interactive, Orbitz Worldwide Inc, Doubleclick and Time Warner's AOL R
Hilda Solis Secretary of Labor American Rights at Work (unofficial capacity) [8] [9] Labor Unions She will remove workers rights, crafted/pushes Card-Check. *Spouse has 16-year-old tax-liens.
Gary Locke Commerce Secretary Davis Wright Tremaine LLP (unofficial capacity)[10] China Eastern Airlines, Shanghai Airlines, China Shipping, Bank of China, BankOne, Boeing Co., Freightliner, Ford Motor Co., General Electric Capital Corp., Microsoft Corp. R, former governor of Wa. state, strong Chinese relations
Jocelyn Frye Director of Policy and Projects National Partnership for Women & Families National Partnership for Women & Families .
Celcilia Munoz [11] Director of Intergovernmental Affairs National Council of La Raza La Raza .
Deborah Greenfield Labor department's executive secretariat office AFL-CIO, SEIU (unofficial capacity) Labor union [12] Union lawyer who sued the Labor Dept.
Patrick Gaspard White House Political Affairs director SEIU SEIU community organizer and lawyer, affiliated with Change to Win[13]
Mary Beth Maxwell [14] Senior adviser to Labor Secretary Hilda Solis American Rights At Work Labor Unions was executive director for pro-Union American Rights at Work
T. Michael Kerr Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management at the Labor Department SEIU SEIU R, held positions under Carter & Clinton, aide to the secretary-treasurer at SEIU
Gabriella Gomez Assistant Secretary for Legislation and Congressional Affairs EDU Dept American Federation of Teachers American Federation of Teachers R, congressman's liaison for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus TX
Helen R. Kanovsky Department of Housing and Urban Development General Counsel AFL-CIO, AFL-CIO chief operating officer AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust, worked for Bernard Madoff, Dickstein, Shapiro, Morin and Oshinsky LLP
Jim Miller Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agriculture Service AGR Dept. National Farmers Union, National Association of Wheat Growers National Farmers Union, National Association of Wheat Growers R, vice president for government relations, chief of staff
Ellen Moran White House Director of Communications EMILY's List, AFL-CIO EMILY's List, AFL-CIO B, R executive director of pro-abortion EMILY's List, community organizer [15]
Aneesh Chopra Chief Technology Officer Czar USINPAC Leadership Committee (Unofficial capacity) USINPAC Leadership Committee, Indian offshore jobs
Valerie Jarrett Senior Advisor Vice Chair of Chicago 2016 Olympic bid (Unofficial capacity) Chicago 2016, Daley Administration, Habitat, Inc, University of Chicago Medical Center[16] Leads the White House’s effort for Chicago's 2016 Olympic bid after Section 3 of the President’s Ethics Executive Order was waived.
Ed Yingling Banking Advisor** American Bankers Association Credit Card Companies Has four visits to the White House on record. [17]
Tom Daschle Healthcare Advisor** Alston & Bird lobbying firm [17] financial services, health care, energy, telecommunications and taxes Went from official capacity to non-official, still influences the administration.
Camden Fine Banking Advisor** Independent Community Bankers of America Housing and small business loans [17]
Steve Elmendorf Healthcare Advisor** Steve Elmendorf Ford Motor Co., UnitedHealth Group and Verizon [17] A Democrat strategist and former House staffer.
Anthony & Heather Podesta [17] Energy Policy** Center for American Progress Center for American Progress Brother & sister-in-law of John Podesta
Anita Dunn Outside adviser [18] Communications Liberal Media Obama's former Czar has ties to Tom Daschle, as well as her replacement Dan Pfeiffer
*(Unofficial capacity) - not registered as lobbyist but worked for lobbyists
**(Unofficial position) - registered as a lobbyist but official White House title undisclosed
1.↑ How complete are this candidate's campaign finance reports? Open Secrets
2.↑ Bundlers Open Secrets
3.↑ Top Lobbying Firms Open Secrets
4.↑ AP IMPACT: Donors, lobbyists help Obama get ready AP, December 6, 2008
5.↑ Well, now: Anita Dunn’s bully lawyer hubby takes over as White House general counsel, Michelle Malkin, November 12, 2009
6.↑ [1] Socialists International
7.↑ Obama names former Clinton officials for Pentagon Reuters, January 8, 2009
8.↑ The Nominee Who Lobbied Herself Weekly Standard, February 3, 2009
9.↑ Republicans want Labor nominee to stop lobbying for 'card check' bill LA Times, February 5, 2009
10.↑ Commerce pick tied to China cash Washington Times, March 18, 2009
11.↑ Obama grants two more lobbyists waivers The Hill, March 9, 2009
12.↑ Obama team reverses union transparency Washington Times, April 27, 2009
13.↑ Why He Matters
14.↑ Key Union Activist Appointed To Dept. of Labor
15.↑ Head Count Ellen Moran Washington Post
16.↑ What the NYT’s 8,100-word Valerie Jarrett profile didn’t tell you, Michelle Malkin, July 27, 2009
17.↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 Celebs, Lobbyists Among White House Guests,, October 30, 2009
18.↑ Obama Aide Who Slammed Fox News Resigns,, November 10, 2009
Retrieved from ""
Category: Obama AdministrationViews
Friday, January 22, 2010
I yield back the remainder of my time to the Senator from Pennsylvania

Elected in 2006, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is the first Republican woman to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Minnesota. In only her first term, Congresswoman Bachmann developed a reputation as a "principled reformer" who stays true to her conservative beliefs while pushing for real reform of the broken ways of Washington. And, her strong advocacy for her constituents earned her a second term in Congress in November 2008.
She is a leading advocate for bipartisan earmark reform and tax relief and is a staunch opponent of wasteful government spending. She is among the leaders in the U.S. House pushing for increased energy exploration in the U.S. to provide much needed relief at the pump for hard-working Americans and put our nation on the path to energy independence.
Prior to serving in the U.S. Congress, Bachmann served in the Minnesota State Senate. She was elected to the Minnesota State Senate in 2000 where she championed the Taxpayers Bill of Rights. And, prior to that, Bachmann spent five years as a federal tax litigation attorney, working on hundreds of civil and criminal cases. That experience solidified Bachmann’s strong support for efforts to simplify the Tax Code and reduce tax burdens on family and small business budgets.
Congresswoman Bachmann currently sits on the Financial Services Committee. This committee is tasked with the oversight of numerous financial sectors including housing, real estate and banking. This also gives the Congresswoman keen insight into the housing crisis and credit crunch, leading her to be a staunch opponent of the taxpayer-funded bailout of Wall Street. The 6th Congressional District of Minnesota contains parts of six counties, stretching from Stillwater past St. Cloud, including suburbs of the Twin Cities, which encompasses one of the nation’s largest financial services sectors, making Congresswoman Bachmann’s position on the Financial Services Committee particularly important.
Congresswoman Bachmann is a graduate of Anoka High School and Winona State University. Bachmann and her husband, Marcus, live in Stillwater where they own a small business mental health care practice that employs 42 people. The Bachmanns have five children, Lucas, Harrison, Elisa, Caroline, and Sophia. In addition, the Bachmanns have opened their home to 23 foster children, which has inspired Congresswoman Bachmann to become one of Congress’ leading advocates for foster and adopted children, earning her bipartisan praise for her efforts.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Where did we come from?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
These are the opening words of the Declaration of Independence. Other than the Holy Bible I can think of no more profound words either spoken or in print. These are the ideas and principles that began the great experiment. A land, a country, a republic based on the truth that freedom comes from God. Aside from Israel's ancient past and the fact that it is again a nation, it was never more obvious that God governs in the affairs of men as it was when the idea of America was birthed.
What needs to be asked now, in the present, is does our government today adhere to and reflect the ideals espoused by our Founding Fathers. Or do we as American citizens even really believe these statements. If these truths are eternal, unchanging, absolute... then they are no less true than they were when they were first penned on this document. Liberal progressives would have you believe that there are no moral absolutes and that the times, they change. But if something is true and all truth is God's truth and God is immutable, then we as a country owe it to our founders and our God not to veer from these truths. And, just as well, we should not add to them things that are untrue. This is the standard, This and the Constitution. Read them. Know them. Our country was not meant to function outside the provisions contained in these two documents. They are the owners manual for the greatest republic the world has ever seen. To alter or ignore them is to do so at our own peril and ultimate downfall.
Global Climate Change(s)
UN climate report riddled with errors on glaciers
UBy SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer Seth Borenstein, Ap Science Writer – 45 mins ago
WASHINGTON – Five glaring errors were discovered in one paragraph of the world's most authoritative report on global warming, forcing the Nobel Prize-winning panel of climate scientists who wrote it to apologize and promise to be more careful.
The errors are in a 2007 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a U.N.-affiliated body. All the mistakes appear in a subsection that suggests glaciers in the Himalayas could melt away by the year 2035 — hundreds of years earlier than the data actually indicates. The year 2350 apparently was transposed as 2035.
The climate panel and even the scientist who publicized the errors said they are not significant in comparison to the entire report, nor were they intentional. And they do not negate the fact that worldwide, glaciers are melting faster than ever.
But the mistakes open the door for more attacks from climate change skeptics.
"The credibility of the IPCC depends on the thoroughness with which its procedures are adhered to," Yvo de Boer, head of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, told The Associated Press in an e-mail. "The procedures have been violated in this case. That must not be allowed to happen again because the credibility of climate change policy can only be based on credible science."
BT comment: It seems that the only thing changing in the Global Climate debate are the facts as presented by those who believe such nonsense.
UBy SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer Seth Borenstein, Ap Science Writer – 45 mins ago
WASHINGTON – Five glaring errors were discovered in one paragraph of the world's most authoritative report on global warming, forcing the Nobel Prize-winning panel of climate scientists who wrote it to apologize and promise to be more careful.
The errors are in a 2007 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a U.N.-affiliated body. All the mistakes appear in a subsection that suggests glaciers in the Himalayas could melt away by the year 2035 — hundreds of years earlier than the data actually indicates. The year 2350 apparently was transposed as 2035.
The climate panel and even the scientist who publicized the errors said they are not significant in comparison to the entire report, nor were they intentional. And they do not negate the fact that worldwide, glaciers are melting faster than ever.
But the mistakes open the door for more attacks from climate change skeptics.
"The credibility of the IPCC depends on the thoroughness with which its procedures are adhered to," Yvo de Boer, head of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, told The Associated Press in an e-mail. "The procedures have been violated in this case. That must not be allowed to happen again because the credibility of climate change policy can only be based on credible science."
BT comment: It seems that the only thing changing in the Global Climate debate are the facts as presented by those who believe such nonsense.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Mr. Brown goes to Washington

In epic upset, GOP's Brown wins Mass. Senate race
May the victory of Scott Brown be a foreboding of things to come. In a highly visible election it is clear that even in the grassroots of one of the bluest states, the people have spoken. Not special interests, not unions, not even political parties. The people have spoken and it seems only now will begin to be heard. May this be just the beginning of a turning tide against the elitism that has permeated Washington D.C. A reminder that they work for us, not the other way around. It seems that Scott Brown understands the mantle of responsibility in being a public servant. This is only the beginning... the first fruits borne out of last summer's Tea Party Movement. Walk on soldiers of freedom.
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Choose ye this day who you will serve...
I saw Kansas on the "Vinyl Confessions" tour back 1983. This is my favorite song from that album. Even though it rocks, to this day I feel tears well up in my eyes when I listen to it. In my head I think... if there were to be one last song to be sung, this would be it. A musical question that is asked while standing before eternity. Thankfully in March of 1981 I answered that question. I made a choice. And because I chose, I am here now to make this entry.
Thank you Jesus for your mercy towards me and towards all who ask.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Barack the Amazing

Like a magician, you have to keep your eye on this guy at all times. Both hands. See, just as all masters of illusion he gets you to look at this hand over here while the other hand is performing the other act of deception.
Look over here... He's calling in two former presidents to help in the Haitian relief efforts. Meanwhile, if you look over there, he's going to Taxachusetts to shore up his
60th vote in the Senate for the government takeover of healthcare.
Other such feats are far less impressive due to the nuisance of video and audio tape. Like saying that the the healthcare talks would be on CSPAN. This is less believable since we can just play back the audio of this promise when it fails to materialize. Unless of course you are taken by the on stage entrance of Obama's lovely assistant. The mainstream media. Like any good aide they help to divert the attention of the mesmerized audience.
Lastly, the money that will be needed to pull off such a trick does not grow on trees or magically appear out of a magicians hat. Some of it may be printed to excess, but the bulk of it will be extracted from the audience via tax increases. Especially from those deemed to be "the rich". The winners of lifes lottery. The expertise needed to accomplish this is more in line with that of a pick pocket. A predator. Who also uses diversion to attain their goal. But people voluntarily pay to see a magician and now that price of admission is coming due.
Friday, January 15, 2010
The "Great Satan" strikes again...
US military moves in troops, ships to aid quake-hit Haiti
Thu Jan 14, 2:33 pm ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The first contingent of thousands of US troops headed to Haiti Thursday as the military mobilized an array of ships, planes and helicopters to provide emergency aid after a massive earthquake.
A company of about 100 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division were expected in quake-hit Haiti by the evening, with the remainder of their 3,500-strong brigade due to arrive by Sunday, Pentagon officials said.
"They will provide humanitarian assistance and relief and security as required," army spokesman Gary Tallman told AFP.
More than 2,000 Marines at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina were due to board three large amphibious ships to reach Haiti by Sunday or Monday, Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman said.
BT comment: If only the commander in chief who has sent the aid to assist the tragedy stricken Haitians could be more supportive of the country he represents. To extol the virtues of Amercan exceptionalism. For all of the grief that America takes from other nations, we are always first on the scene to assist. Whether it be boots on the ground or the almighty charitable dollar. We are there to help when disaster strikes.
Unfortunately, in between disasters Obama feels the need to denegrate his own country. That we are selfish, we are greedy, that we are self-serving. Never in the history of the world has there been one country so blessed and so willing to bless. America is the last best hope. For what you ask? For freedom. For prosperity. For liberty. For justice. If only Barack Obama(and all progressive liberals) felt the same way. He is from the blame America first crowd. He stands with those who have enjoyed the opportunites our great nation extends to it's citizens and for some obscene reason regards it with great scorn.
It's hard for those of us who were born and grew up in a free country to imagine anything other than the liberty we know so well. May we thank God everyday for the freedom we enjoy and do all within our power to preserve and protect the Constitution which guarantees those rights. And remember just as our founders realized, that those freedoms come from God Himself. Not from any politician or governing body.
May America continue to be that last, great hope in this turbulent world. That shining city on a hill. As an American I ask you... where else are you gonna go?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Foxy Lady

Palin to Join Fox News as Contributor
The 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee is taking up a spot as a regular commentator on Fox News Channel.
BT comment: This woman is a common sense, God fearing, Conservative. And that scares the hell out of liberals. The more they tremble, the more they deride her. I look forward to her forthcoming "fair and balanced" commentary. Welcome Sarah to the lower forty eight. I look forward to a time when you preside over all fifty.
What the F?

This is an image copied from a website that sells conservative type T-shirts. I think it's fairly obvious what the letters stand for. The B and O stand for Barack Obama. As for the F... I believe the intent is for the F to represent the proverbial "F" bomb. And even if I think it I will not say it. In the interest of good taste I am willing to have the letter F represent a word that most liberals would find just as reprehensible if not more so. Instead of the "F" bomb, I am happy to have the letter F stand for the word FAIL!
Ken "Beano" Salazar

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Salazar announces tougher rules on drilling
New rules an echo of county’s shouts, will slow process
By Matthew Beaudin/Matthew Daly
Telluride Daily Planet/Associated Press
Published: Thursday, January 7, 2010 8:10 AM CST
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar signaled an end to long standing oil and gas leasing rules on Wednesday, announcing a host of policy changes designed to bring more scrutiny and greater public voice to how leases are awarded on the nation’s public lands.
The changes will be felt heavily across the western states, which have sprouted towns and schools as yield to the oil and gas boom.
“We don’t believe we ought to be drilling anywhere and everywhere,” Salazar said at a news conference yesterday in Washington. “We believe we need a balanced approach and a thoughtful approach” that allows development of oil and gas leases on public lands while also protecting national parks, endangered species and municipal watersheds.
Salazar, a former Democratic senator from Colorado, criticized the Bush administration for what he called a “headlong rush” to lease public lands. Early last year, Salazar suspended 60 of 77 leases in Utah approved in that administration’s waning days.
The changes announced Wednesday are intended to bring greater consistency and public engagement to onshore oil and gas leasing, Salazar said, with a goal of reducing legal challenges that have cost taxpayers millions of dollars and energy companies months or even years of delays.
About 1 percent of oil and gas leases on public lands were protested in 1998, he said — a figure that jumped to about 40 percent in 2008. The main reason for the increase was that leases were offered in places where they should not have been or without enough agency scrutiny or public participation, Salazar said.
“In the prior administration the oil and gas industry was the king of the world. Whatever they wanted happened,” Salazar said, adding that those days are over.
BT comments: This guy is an Obama appointee, therefore he represents Obama's approach to our energy needs as a country. Keep in mind that our energy needs correlate directly with our national security as well as the prosperity of our country.
With all of the cries for clean energy why would Salazar shut down virtually all drilling for natural gas? A resource that we may well have in abundance that could begin to ween us off of all the other sources of energy that we have to import. Meanwhile, he wants to build wind farms. Does that sound like a proposal worthy of 21st century America? But just know that this is backward thinking only on the surface. These things are being done with great purpose. Obama and his ilk (and/or appointees) want to see America taken down a few pegs. This is just one more way of making the United States more dependent on other(many hostile) countries and less resilent and prosperous. Just another battle in Obama's war on free market capitalism. Salazar is Obama's Beano solution to keeping anymore gas from being drilled, found or sold to the US public. And that's the way President Obama wants it. Remember that.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Hopey, changey musical
Obama musical set to open in Germany
BERLIN – A musical about Barack Obama's "Yes we can" election campaign premieres in Germany this weekend, including love songs by the president to his wife Michelle and duets with Hillary Clinton.
Even John McCain and Sarah Palin are given stage time, with actors portraying the losing Republican candidates and belting out songs on their behalf.
(The only thing worse than living through this Obamanation would be to see it set to music. I for one can't wait until the curtain falls on this administration.)
BERLIN – A musical about Barack Obama's "Yes we can" election campaign premieres in Germany this weekend, including love songs by the president to his wife Michelle and duets with Hillary Clinton.
Even John McCain and Sarah Palin are given stage time, with actors portraying the losing Republican candidates and belting out songs on their behalf.
(The only thing worse than living through this Obamanation would be to see it set to music. I for one can't wait until the curtain falls on this administration.)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Rich Uncle Pennybags(Mr. Monopoly) goes to Washington

If you are a liberal Democrat you must have a wallet full of these cards. If you are a Conservative, republican you must have picked the card "Go to jail, go directly to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.00."
In the recent(and not too recent)past liberals have gotten away with all types of derogatory behaviour and statements. These are the guys that are supposed to be for the little guy. The underdog. The everyman. But their words bely their true feelings.
Most recently, Senator Harry Reid apologized for making racist statements about the leader of his own party referencing that Obama was light skinned and didn't speak with a Negroe dialect if he didn't want to. He also once stated that you could tell when the great unwashed(we the electorate) would converge on Washington DC because you could actually smell the stench of the approaching hoards. The president's own running mate and vice president Joe Biden referred to Obama as "clean and articulate". Who says this kind of stuff? Elitists, that's who. Yet these guys get a pass from their own party, constituents and the mainstream media. Who else do you know who talks like this? Latent and/or blatant racists, that's who.
The democrat party is the one place where you will find the longest serving senator(Robert Byrd) who also happens to have been a member of the KKK. Yet the Republican party wanted no parts of David Duke who made runs for various positons within the party. Duke is a former Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan. Oh, I seem to remember Byrd using the "N" word on a filmed interview too.
Even Jessie Jackson, a black man, a civil rights icon used the "N" word during a Fox News interview in 2008. He was unaware that the microphone was still on during the break when he uttered the dreaded word referring to Obama. I don't get that. I guess it's like a guy can call his woman the "B" word but don't let anyone else do it. No, it's wrong. It's wrong for anyone to call a black person a n*gger just like it would be wrong for anyone to call a woman a b*tch(hello Senator Schumer).
Now I realize that we all stick our foot in our mouth at some point in life. That we say something that comes out wrong but was not meant to hurt anyone. Or even mutter an unkind word in anger or frustration. But it is chilling in that these guys are very casual in their utterances.
I am by no means an Obama fan. My disdain for him has nothing to do with his color or his dialect, or lack thereof. It is purely regarding his facist/socialist policies(I guess that would make him Red?). Then there are those who voted for him because he was black. Not caring how detrimental his policies would be to the country. And behind door number three there is the most paradoxical group... those that love his policies but can't get beyond his skin color. Still, they hold their nose's and pull the lever on election day. I guess in some instances maybe liberlism trumps racism.
Racism, anti-Semitism, chauvanism... name the ism, it's out there. But I think most Americans are fair and decent people. People who view others based on the content of their character. If that is so, may we start electing officials who reflect that decency. Until then, I say apply the standards equally. Stop giving these guys free passes. Stop trying to widen the racial divide. Stop using minorities as a means to a political end. It separates us as Americans and diminishes us as a people. Unlike Monopoly, this is not a game. But if it were, right now Harry Reid would be the shoe. Either because he has his foot in his mouth or he should get the boot.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Thank you, thank you very much

Today is the anniversary of the birth of the king of rock n roll. He would of been 75 years old. Hard to believe and hard to imagine. I guess because for most of us he is forever frozen in our memories as an icon in his youth.
For whatever personal flaws and demons Elvis might have had, he gave us a lifetime of memories and music. He was a pioneer. He fused blues and black gospel music into something soulful and unique. Rock n Roll. I remember watching his movies as a kid. They were harmless, usually inane romps interlaced with Presley's songs. Probably the best of the lot being Viva Las Vegas(due in part to his vivacious co-star Ann Margaret). I still love the the title song.
The circumstances of his demise are less flattering. But why rehash that now? He once was a man of faith, who hopefully found and made peace with the Lord he once sung of so gloriously. I pray that the king of rock n roll now dwells peacefully in the presence of the King of Kings.
The boy who cried "Bush"

(Note: There is no racial slur intended in the title. It is a variation on the children's fable entitled "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".)
When will the whining stop? When will the finger pointing cease? Who will bring an end to the petty pillorying of George W. Bush and his administration? The solution is not to be found in Barack Obama. The question should be... When will Obama man up? When will he own the post that he campaigned for? Will the process of metamorphosis ever take place that would transform our president from an angry crybaby into a responsible leader?
It's always easier to blame someone else when something goes wrong. Probably even easier than lying. Of course blaming someone else when you are at fault is a form of lying.(Ah, two birds with one stone.) Nobody likes a crybaby... Atleast not for long. Unless that person is whining about the same thing other people are carping about too (company loves misery). That would be the mainstream media for Obama. But it may be that even they are tiring of making George Bush the scapegoat. Weary of reflexively invoking the name of the former president when things go awry. Maybe they are starting to see the gross incomptence that marks the Obama administration. Possibly even they are becoming just a little scared at what could potentially befall our country with this "man child" at the helm? Say what you want about George W. Bush... but the only time he ever came close to being a crybaby was when he addressed the country right after 9/11 when his eyes welled up. You see, real men cry for the right reason at the right time. Crybabies... they just point their finger and whine all of the time.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
This just in...

So I'm sitting here watching Glenn Beck with rapt attention and here comes a Fox News Alert. In a moment I am transported from something weighty and relevant to the usual boring pap spewn out by Obama's puppets(Napolitano and Brennan)regarding homeland security. Words were spoken fast and furious and not a damn thing was said of any substance. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Oh, the news alert is over and Glenn is back on. Gotta go!
BCS National Championship
Except for the Phillies, Eagles, and Flyers(at playoff time) I root for most sporting contests vicariously. I root for my friends fantasy football teams even though I don't own one. If I had a college alma mater I would cheer them on(and maybe be more interested in college football). Here is a Steely Dan video which gives a nod to a friend's alma mater. Go University of Alabama football. Roll Tide!!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Sex, lies and videotape

Poor Noah Webster. He must be rolling over in his grave. Again. The last time his long dead corpse engaged in such post mortem gymnastics Bill Clinton was testifying at his own impeachment hearing. There he quipped " It depends on what the meaning of is is". The definitions of other words were just as elusive to the former president. Words like "alone" or "sexual relations". For a rhodes scholar this guy seemed pretty dim. But then, they didn't call him "Slick Willy" for nothing. I guess if he had more book learnin' and knew what the words meant they would have called him "Smart Willie". But I digress...
It appears that Barack Obama took the same English courses as the last democrat commander in chief. Candidate Obama promised numerous times as recorded on video, that hearings on the his looming healthcare legislation would be "public" and "transparent". He also mentioned in the same breath that the meetings would be covered by CSPAN. Well, instead of public, the meetings have been private. And, while Obama and the democrats motives may be transparent, the meetings themselves have been quite the opposite. Then there is poor CSPAN... sitting by the phone waiting. And waiting... And waiting...
I suggest that the President pick up a dictionary and look up the words in question. Then he may want to look up words like deceitful, dishonest or liar. Oh look, there's a picture of Bill Clinton next to that last one. But don't worry Barack, you'll have your chance when the revised edition comes out.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Inconvenient truth vs. Stark cold reality

Mr. Global warming himself, Al Gore, would have you believe that we as human beings are causing man-made warming of the planet. Well, it's January 5, 2010 and I'm freezing my naughty bits off. It reminds me of how cold it was back in the 1970's. The Delaware River was frozen for weeks at a time. If you didn't want to pay the toll you could walk to Jersey from Philly. Back then the cries were warning of global cooling. A new ice age.
Well, which is it? I say it's neither. Or both. The sun and the earth go through cycles. On a micro level we call them seasons. Things warm up a little more when the sun is active with sun spots. Consequently, less so without the sun spots. But Mr. Gore would have you believe differently and with good reason. He stands to profit greatly(more so than he has already) by selling us carbon credits. Meanwhile, he uses more energy on his own private estate in one month than you or I use in a year. Yeah, those elitists are always good at telling us how to live, but never seem to take their own medicine. Other entities hoping to reap billion$ are GE and NBC. They've invested alot of money in going green and the present administration is real cozy with these players. By the way, carbon is what we expel when we breathe out and what plants take in via photosynthesis and in turn produce oxygen, which we in turn breathe in.
So in an age when they still have trouble predicting the weather from week to week, don't believe a bunch of self serving elitists who say that your very existence is destroying the planet. I will acquiesce though, in that the planet's temperature is changing. Right now I call it winter. Personally, I am partial to global warming which I like to call, summer.
Airports to implement new full body x-ray scanners

As a response to the recent Christmas day terrorist bombing attempt, airports will be implementing new high power x-ray scanning devices(pictured here). The Obama administration has set aside two billion dollars of emergency funds to purchase these new, high tech security devices. The president stated that it was a small price to pay to protect the American people.
(Maybe conservative Republicans could get their hands on a few sets of these so they could see through the closed door meetings liberal Democrats are having on the healthcare takeover.)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Eric Holder-US Attorney General, friend to terrorists

This man that Obama has appointed as Attorney General of the United States... no better friend could a captured or an aspiring terrorist hope for. But if you are a law loving, gun owning US citizen... a greater foe you could not have.
This guy has a long history of being sympathetic to terrorists. Way back, as the good old days of the Clinton administration were winding down, Holder was instrumental in some obligatory pardons as granted by presidents in their final days in office. One of these pardons granted was for the FALN known as a Puerto Rican nationlist terroist group in 1999. Fast forward to 2009...
In less than one year Holder has expedited the closing of Club Gitmo(where all the bad guys are being held). He has made it mandatory for captured terrorist(I'm sorry, alleged terrorists)to be mirandized(you have the right to remain silent, blah, blah, blah). That last one means getting all lawyered up too. And, instead of being tried military style these guys will be tried via the US court system. This may just be the beginning.
So it makes one wonder what the final days of the Obama presidency will look like, pardon-wise that is. Could KSM possibly be up for a pardon if he winds up being convicted in New York? What about the failed Christmas day bomber, Umar Farouk ofwmb%h&@iteolf$xzhbvyu (I hate that these guys have such long frickin' names)? Isn't it bad enough that he will probably get skin grafts at taxpayer expense just because he flunked Exploding Skivvies 101 at Al Qaeda day camp? May as well do the guy a solid while you're at it Eric and let him go. Right?
In the end remember, Barack Obama appointed this guy. If not for any other reason but that Holder represents Obama's worldview on how to deal with those who want to kill us. The confiscation of legal firearms is looming on the Obama/Holder docket which will make it more precarious to defend against those pardoned, as well as keeping in check an increasingly tyrannical government. Me... I side with the "bitter" people that cling to their God and their guns. Eric... he sides with bitter Islamo-fascists who cling to the Koran and exploding undergarments. So if history is any indication, be prepared in 2011 to say "Pardon?!"
FSA/CIA training video for disarming incendiary undies
If only the war on terror could be half as funny as this.
Our money, our debt, our future
Please go to
Here is the national debt clock for our country in real time. Watch as the numbers spiral ever upward. It's hard enough to imagine this thing just stopping let alone reversing itself. It represents government spending of our money. Now we as responsible citizens are far more prudent with "our money". Our bank statements and checkbook ledgers are monetary snapshots in time. Most of us adjust our income and spending accordingly so as to stay out of debt or even to save money. But not our elected officials. They think that can spend(and print) as much currency as they like. These people have no idea of what the real world is like let alone any sense of shame. It may not be too late to turn back this tide of debt. But, as resilient as the US economic system may be and has been, there could be a point of no return. When the house of cards collapses in on itself. Remember that the borrower is slave to the lender. Our soon future master could be China. Well... atleast our leaders already embrace the philosophies of Mao.
Here is the national debt clock for our country in real time. Watch as the numbers spiral ever upward. It's hard enough to imagine this thing just stopping let alone reversing itself. It represents government spending of our money. Now we as responsible citizens are far more prudent with "our money". Our bank statements and checkbook ledgers are monetary snapshots in time. Most of us adjust our income and spending accordingly so as to stay out of debt or even to save money. But not our elected officials. They think that can spend(and print) as much currency as they like. These people have no idea of what the real world is like let alone any sense of shame. It may not be too late to turn back this tide of debt. But, as resilient as the US economic system may be and has been, there could be a point of no return. When the house of cards collapses in on itself. Remember that the borrower is slave to the lender. Our soon future master could be China. Well... atleast our leaders already embrace the philosophies of Mao.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Eagles vs Cowboys
Today is the last day of the regular season for the Eagles. It is a classic match up/rivalry for the division. The first Eagles game I ever attended was against the Cowboys in the post season. The Eagles won and went on to lose to the Oakland Raiders in the Superbowl. It was about as cold as it is today too. Only a little more sunshine and a little less wind. Today's game is being played down in Dallas. Hopefully Eagles fans from all over will be singing the fight song many times over on the way to a sweet victory over our arch nemesis, The Dallas Cowboys. Sure, it's only a game, I know. But for 3 plus hours it is a battle of titans. The Hatfields and the McCoys. The Montagues and the Capulets. McDonalds vs Burger King. Choose your own rivalous analogy. You could say it's the perfect storm. So in the end, may the better team win. And we all know who that is.
Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's taken over five years but John F Kerry has been replaced as the best known flip flopper. Enter, Barack Hussein Obama.
In his first year our president has shown himself to be slow to speak(and also quite weak when tardy)when the situation calls for atleast verbal action. But, when the situation does not demand or require a public statement(atleast not immediately), there he is commenting on that which he does not know.
Back in July of 2009 Professor Henry Gates(a black American) was arrested by Cambridge police who were responding to a 911 call regarding possible intruders. The arresting officers, only acting on the 911 call and the situation upon their arrival asked Prof. Gates to comply with police protocol Granted, the good professor was only trying to get into his own house for which he had forgotten his key to unlock his front door. But he resisted the officers while berating them as racists. Before hearing the whole story(by his own admission) Obama proceeded to proclaim the Cambridge officers actions as stupid. Race to the microphone, comment on what you do not know. Not a danger to national security, but a blow to race relations in present day America.
Just this past Christmas of 2009, a radical Muslim from Nigeria tried to blow up a Northwest Airline plane. But, thank God his exploding undies malfunctioned. Now this scenario contains both elements of Obama's bad timing and poor choice of words. It took 4 days for him to comment and when he did, he said that the terrorist acted alone and that it was an isolated incident. In the interim his head of the FSA, Janet Napolitano went through her own verbal gymnastics, flipflopping like a fresh caught fish on the deck of a boat. But, back to the Commander in Chief... Turns out less than a week later it wasn't so isolated an incident and that our president is now saying that it was the act of an Al qaeda type.
Now some will say that we are all human or everybody makes mistakes. Granted. But these are big and bigger mistakes. Signs of indescretion and incompetence. For most of us, if we make many small or a few big mistakes, we are out of a job. Out of a relationship. Lose our drivers license. Accrue a bad credit report. That's how the real world works. Most conservatives understand this. Most liberals make excuses and employ moral relativism. In my perfect world, my president would understand that the men and women in blue are the thin line between order and chaos in our communities. And in my perfect world, my president would walk stridently(wearing a tie) to the microphone and say as eloquently as possible that we are going to kick the collective butts of all who dare plot and/or attempt to attack the United States of America and it's peoples. I guess it's one thing us freedom loving citizens of America have in common with the Islamic terrorists. We both respect strength. So until 2012, instead of a steel toe boot, we are stuck with a flip flop.
In his first year our president has shown himself to be slow to speak(and also quite weak when tardy)when the situation calls for atleast verbal action. But, when the situation does not demand or require a public statement(atleast not immediately), there he is commenting on that which he does not know.
Back in July of 2009 Professor Henry Gates(a black American) was arrested by Cambridge police who were responding to a 911 call regarding possible intruders. The arresting officers, only acting on the 911 call and the situation upon their arrival asked Prof. Gates to comply with police protocol Granted, the good professor was only trying to get into his own house for which he had forgotten his key to unlock his front door. But he resisted the officers while berating them as racists. Before hearing the whole story(by his own admission) Obama proceeded to proclaim the Cambridge officers actions as stupid. Race to the microphone, comment on what you do not know. Not a danger to national security, but a blow to race relations in present day America.
Just this past Christmas of 2009, a radical Muslim from Nigeria tried to blow up a Northwest Airline plane. But, thank God his exploding undies malfunctioned. Now this scenario contains both elements of Obama's bad timing and poor choice of words. It took 4 days for him to comment and when he did, he said that the terrorist acted alone and that it was an isolated incident. In the interim his head of the FSA, Janet Napolitano went through her own verbal gymnastics, flipflopping like a fresh caught fish on the deck of a boat. But, back to the Commander in Chief... Turns out less than a week later it wasn't so isolated an incident and that our president is now saying that it was the act of an Al qaeda type.
Now some will say that we are all human or everybody makes mistakes. Granted. But these are big and bigger mistakes. Signs of indescretion and incompetence. For most of us, if we make many small or a few big mistakes, we are out of a job. Out of a relationship. Lose our drivers license. Accrue a bad credit report. That's how the real world works. Most conservatives understand this. Most liberals make excuses and employ moral relativism. In my perfect world, my president would understand that the men and women in blue are the thin line between order and chaos in our communities. And in my perfect world, my president would walk stridently(wearing a tie) to the microphone and say as eloquently as possible that we are going to kick the collective butts of all who dare plot and/or attempt to attack the United States of America and it's peoples. I guess it's one thing us freedom loving citizens of America have in common with the Islamic terrorists. We both respect strength. So until 2012, instead of a steel toe boot, we are stuck with a flip flop.
Marathon man

Stay well Rush
Over the Christmas holidays my conservative hero was hospitalized with chest pains. I have been listening to Rush since 1992. He has been a part of my Monday-Friday, noon to 3 routine for about 18 years. Almost one third of my life. The very thought of this patriot going the way of all men distressed me greatly. Not at a time when his voice is needed most. Sounds selfish I guess. But without sounding like a stalker or an obsessed fan, I feel like I know the guy. Like he is a friend of mine. His passing would feel like the loss of a valued compatriot.
Other than suffering the continual onslaught of the hate filled barbs of those who despise freedom itself(read liberals, progressives, limp-wristed RINO's) he has overcome his own personal health problems and demons. He is a man of integrity, wisdom and good humor.
At last report he has be released with no discernable heart issues. Giving credit to the care that he had received and a testament to the US healthcare system. One wonders what kind of medical attention he might have gotten from a government run healthcare system. Especially a system run by a government that is hostile to people who speak out against it's policies.
So for now, the new year is starting well. I look forward to Monday when those that give voice to my concerns and beliefs take to the airwaves. First Glenn. Later Sean. But right in the middle the man, the pioneer, the MahaRushi. Or as his late mother used to called him, Rusty.
Other than suffering the continual onslaught of the hate filled barbs of those who despise freedom itself(read liberals, progressives, limp-wristed RINO's) he has overcome his own personal health problems and demons. He is a man of integrity, wisdom and good humor.
At last report he has be released with no discernable heart issues. Giving credit to the care that he had received and a testament to the US healthcare system. One wonders what kind of medical attention he might have gotten from a government run healthcare system. Especially a system run by a government that is hostile to people who speak out against it's policies.
So for now, the new year is starting well. I look forward to Monday when those that give voice to my concerns and beliefs take to the airwaves. First Glenn. Later Sean. But right in the middle the man, the pioneer, the MahaRushi. Or as his late mother used to called him, Rusty.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Today is the day
It is appointed unto to men once to die, and after this the judgement. (Hebrews 9:27)
This scripture looms large and true for all who believe in the finality of death, the afterlife or even a vague certainty of a final accounting of their lives. But I will not wax eloquent about God's eternal kingdom at this time. Instead, I will backtrack from the scripture's premise.
I pondered this on this first day of the year 2010. Not just my place in eternity, but my place in the present. I thought, " Then I would assume it is appointed unto men once to live". And, if living once(as well as dying) is my lot and both are appointed... Well, then I am living in a time that I am predestined to occupy by God's will. That I am here by divine will as well as all who may read this(even if you never read this you are here for a purpose).
Now I have never really been one to grab the bull by the horns(until recently when I have been grabbing the political BS by the horns) or the type to seize the day. It's not part of who I am for the most part. But, maybe it is time to do so. To live the life appointed unto to me. To seize, grab hold of what is in the here and now.
This does not mean(to me atleast) that I will be taking part in hang gliding, rock climbing, shark diving or any other so-called thrill seeking activity. To me it means that I will pursue my passions, my talents, my abilities, my dreams. The things that I was put here to do. Not just for my own personal growth, but for the kingdom of God. To serve that which is good and right and pure. If bloviating is my gift, so be it. On a blog... so be it. But it all boils down to 2 priniciples(as per Jesus). To love God with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength. And to love your neighbor as yourself. In these two things is the fulfillment of the law(read 10 commandments).
So to all, I wish a Happy New Year. To good health, good friends and good times. To all finding their reason, their purpose for living in their own appointed time.
This scripture looms large and true for all who believe in the finality of death, the afterlife or even a vague certainty of a final accounting of their lives. But I will not wax eloquent about God's eternal kingdom at this time. Instead, I will backtrack from the scripture's premise.
I pondered this on this first day of the year 2010. Not just my place in eternity, but my place in the present. I thought, " Then I would assume it is appointed unto men once to live". And, if living once(as well as dying) is my lot and both are appointed... Well, then I am living in a time that I am predestined to occupy by God's will. That I am here by divine will as well as all who may read this(even if you never read this you are here for a purpose).
Now I have never really been one to grab the bull by the horns(until recently when I have been grabbing the political BS by the horns) or the type to seize the day. It's not part of who I am for the most part. But, maybe it is time to do so. To live the life appointed unto to me. To seize, grab hold of what is in the here and now.
This does not mean(to me atleast) that I will be taking part in hang gliding, rock climbing, shark diving or any other so-called thrill seeking activity. To me it means that I will pursue my passions, my talents, my abilities, my dreams. The things that I was put here to do. Not just for my own personal growth, but for the kingdom of God. To serve that which is good and right and pure. If bloviating is my gift, so be it. On a blog... so be it. But it all boils down to 2 priniciples(as per Jesus). To love God with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength. And to love your neighbor as yourself. In these two things is the fulfillment of the law(read 10 commandments).
So to all, I wish a Happy New Year. To good health, good friends and good times. To all finding their reason, their purpose for living in their own appointed time.
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