BT and friend, Mr. V., went to see Sean Hannity in Exton,PA on his Conservative Victory book tour this past weekend. Even better than seeing the host of the second most listened to talk radio program, was being with other like minded conservatives. There was a camaraderie and oneness of purpose that permeated the crowd with an undercurrent of peace and enthusiasm. It was not so much about the book or it's writer. It was about freedom. It was about love of country. About coveting our beloved Constitution.
There were flags, T-shirts, ballcaps and singing of patriotic songs. There was only one time when a heckler yelled incoherent obscenities and then flipped the bird as he drove away shouting "I'm a way better American than all of you!" No one yelled back. Some laughed. But it was more like a chuckle of self assurance. Almost pitying the heckler, lost in his own rage at who knows what or why. I can't speak for anyone else, but I felt invincible there with my conservative brothers and sisters. That no one or nothing could come against us. That right was on our side because we were on the side of what is right. It was all somehow akin to the same unity I feel as a christian with other believers. Of course that is a more mystical, spiritual oneness that transcends time and space, whose focus transcends time and space. But evenso, all conservatives my not necessarily hold the same deep spiritual values, yet I still believe that God blesses the gathering together and the efforts of such meetings. That the God of the Bible is a God who longs for all men to be free. That is partly what Easter is about. And with that freedom comes great responsibility. May we continue to fight for the former and not recoil from the latter.
To all who were there may I say, you are great Americans.
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