Finally, with the advent of regular season baseball I may be able to turn off the madness that is Obama, Pelosi and Reid. Maybe for just a little while each night. But just like in baseball, you don't take your eye off the ball, and I'm not taking my eye off these guys.
Somehow he will find a way to "F"(Bidenspeak)this up too. Socialists like a level playing field. Everyone miserable. They can't envision the downtrodden being lifted up. Hell no! They believe in everyone being laid low. Spread the misery around. Lord knows when they are in power there is plenty to go around. They think that in order for everyone to get a piece of the pie, you have to take from the winners of life's lottery and give to those who have less. They don't get that the pie gets bigger when taxes are low, freedom is protected and peace abounds. Then there is enough pie for whoever wants in on it. And if they don't, fine. Just don't take the piece of pie from the person who earns it and give to the one who wants it, but doesn't work for it. Ok, enough about the pie. (pie=share of the action)
There is a value added tax coming soon that will tax EVERYTHING. And that's on top of the taxes that are already levied upon us. Going to the ballpark was already pricey for a family and may well be unaffordable soon. I prefer to watch it at home on the big screen, but that's not the point. You can't take the position that just because something doesn't affect you directly, that it doesn't matter. Eventually it will touch you. Something you like, enjoy or need will be taxed, and taxed unfairly.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. It's just that the America I knew is going away. Day by day. Precept by precept. Dollar by dollar. I believe that baseball is still the nation's pastime. A pleasant, calming diversion from the rigors of life(especially when the Phils are doing well). May you all find that thing that is your temporary respite from life's demands. And, may it remain untouched, undefiled and untaxed.
BT...Your analysis is excellent here...