Saturday, April 10, 2010

Social Justice=Socialism

There can be no liberty unless there is economic liberty.
Margaret Thatcher

Saturday's are the big financial days on talk radio and on my cable news channel of choice, Fox News Channel. This is where politics and monetary policy are passionately discussed and dissected. Since yesterday was Tax Freedom Day I thought I would make this entry. Starting now you have paid all of your taxes for the year if they were accounted for in a specific time period versus being deducted or paid over the span of 12 months. It is the day that you begin to keep your own money. This day will arrive later next year and even later every other year under the Obama administration. With the potential passage of a VAT tax (Value Added Tax which is a tax on everything) I fear that there will no such thing as a Tax Freedom Day at all. That the burden of over taxation will haunt us 365 days a year. Of course it was recently reported that roughly 50 percent of Americans pay no income tax at all while the the top 10 percent of income earners pay almost 70 percent of the tax debt. Note that Obama uses the word "fair" numerous times. That means taking from those who have achieved and giving to those who do not(see his conversation with Joe the Plumber). That is Socialism in a nut shell. Historically under the law of the land, fair meant that everybody had the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". Our country was founded on equal opportunity. Liberals and Socialists want to equalize or guarantee the outcome.

A large part of the pricinple of liberty is financial freedom. To make an honest living, pay an equitable tax and to enjoy the fruits of your own labors. When the taxes levied upon the people of this or any country become too burdensome it stifles growth, it kills dreams, it limits freedom. To add insult to injury, it is the the government that refuses to starve or deny it's own ravenous appetite for tax revenues. The new taxes coming down the pike are supposed to pay down the debt. What fool believes that? There are no proposals to cut spending now or in the distant future. If anything, government spending will continure to spiral out of control, as will the tax rates. In the end, the only thing that will shrink is personal revenue and personal freedom. The less money you have in your pocket, the less you can afford. Less food, less clothes, less healthcare, less luxury items(if any), less vacations, less night's out, less jobs, less higher education, less affordable energy, less affordable housing, less personal transportation, etc, etc, etc... Do you get the idea now how personal wealth equals more personal freedom? That taxing everything means less of everything. The Constitution guarantees our basic liberties in principle and in turn allows us to engage in personal pursuits that enrich our lives. Higher, exhorbitant taxes will be another strike of the axe laid at the root of personal liberty. Instead of trickle down economics we will have gravitational slavery. Limiting or taking away the freedom of others by pulling them down via oppressive taxation does not make those less prosperous any freer. It culminates in bondage for all.
It is not money that is at the root of all evil, it is the love of it from where many evils spring forth. It can be an excellent servant or a cruel master. I would implore all Americans to love and covet their freedom above all else. To vote for those who value and practice fiscal responsibility. For if we do not, under this regime and all others like it, we will have neither fortune nor liberty, and America will become just another failed Socialist utopian experiment on the ash heap of history.

1 comment:

  1. "I would implore all Americans to love and covet their freedom above all else, to vote for those who value and practice fiscal responsibility. For if we do not, under this regime and all others like it, we will have neither fortune nor liberty, and America will become just another failed Socialist Utopian experiment on the ash heap of history."

    Amen, and please tell that to the 'New Kid (with this head) on the (Socialistic chopping) block':

    (Be careful and pray if and before you actually write respond to these highly misinformed friends of your opposition. Godspeed.)
