I'm all for being a good steward of the earth that God created for man. After all, who wants dirty air and dirty water? No, not even evil conservatives want to breathe in and drink man made filth. But, it is the freedom loving industrialized countries that enjoy the conveniences of free market progress while maintaining a clean environment. But the present administration and the environmentalist wackos and liberals think that we live too good and that hurts the planet. That environmental and social justice can only be achieved by redistributing the wealth of us evil capitalists. Personally, have you ever seen these people that protest the WTO summits? They look like a walking, talking, vandalizing bio-hazard laden mob. Unwashed. Unkempt. Ransacking. Breaking windows. Starting fires. The list goes on. How many of these radicals own Iphones, laptops, hip jeans, automobiles...? Hypocrisy anyone?
When God created the earth and then man, He said to be fruitful and multiply. Be productive. Have off spring. Subdue the earth and make it your home. Leave an impression. A carbon footprint if you will. A testament to your being here. And of course, do it in accordance with God's guidance and a spirit of good will toward your fellow man.
The earth, like man are both creations of God. But man was created in the image of God. The earth was created for man and man was created for God. Man was made to worship God, not the planet. Whenever man worships someone or something other than the Creator, it results in idolatry and a turning away from the one true God. The One who loves us and cares for us. Who even cares for the earth that He made. It's not a bad thing to care about the earth. But, it's not necessarily a noble thing either. King Solomon said that the end of all things is to reverence God and keep His commands. The Westminster Catechism asks what is the chief end of man? To glorify God and enjoy Him forever. He is what will last. He is the One who endures forever. He is the One who cares for us. He is the One who loves us. And, if you choose to believe and receive it, He is the One who died, arose, and ever lives. For us. For you.
So I guess the end of this rant is... Take care of the home that was made for us. But, don't worship it. Don't fret over it. Don't treasure it more than Him who made it. Good stewardship is a prized practice. Idolatry is not. But, if you have no hope beyond the time spent here on earth, if you believe that this life is all that there is, I can see why a certain fear or urgency would grip your heart. I would entreat you to survey this land given to mankind. The beauty. The majesty. The intricacy. And then, ask, pray, to understand and beseech the God of glory to reveal Himself to you. For in knowing Him, you will by faith know that the beauty of this world cannot compare to what He has prepared for those that love Him.
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