Michigan's Stupak, a tea party target, is retiring
By JOHN FLESHER, Associated Press Writer John Flesher, Associated Press Writer – 1 min ago
TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. – Rep. Bart Stupak, an anti-abortion Democrat targeted for defeat by tea party activists for his crucial role in securing House approval of the health care overhaul, said Friday he would retire from Congress this year.
BT comment: I would like to sight that this article is incorrect. Stupak is NOT an anti-abortion Democrat. If it were true, he would not have signed on to Obamacare. Accepting a so-called promise of executive order from the liar and chief to not publicly fund abortion was at the very least naive. Personally, I think that there was some arm twisting done by the administration and a willingness on Stupak's part to believe the absurd so as to vote for party over principle.
Now he can't stand the heat that has followed his spineless decision and is deciding to ABORT any attempts to run for re-election. Turns out that his candidacy, in abortion speak, would not be viable. Even more spineless is his stating that he is not running again so he can spend more time with his family. He is using them as human shields against any criticism for his failure to fight the fight. What a guy. What a man. What a chickensh*t.
Maybe he is having trouble living with his decision on healthcare. If so, as well he should. He not only sold out the future unborn, he sold out the freedom of his country and the Constitution that he swore to uphold. More than likely there will be a political afterlife book deal that will chronicle his career and then feigned personal agnst over signing on to Obamacare, followed by some sort of justification of his decision. Whether or not his name will appear on the New York Times best seller list for said book remains to be seen. Eventually it will be supplanted by other names and book titles, but the name Bart Stupak is forever inscribed on a bill not so easily aborted.
"More than likely there will be a political afterlife book deal that will chronicle his career and then feigned personal agnst over signing on to Obamacare, and then some sort of justification of his decision"
ReplyDeleteDamage control. You've got HIS number. It's often easier to duck out or justify your decisions, rather than to do the right thing. But then, a man who is playing to both sides and unable to stand firm in his own convictions is unstable and should not be working in the arena of politics. When you screw up best to deal with it directly. Books written after the fact which seek to explain away or justify one's mistakes to save face do little to accomplish what should have been averted in the first place. In the case of what is widely considered as immoral conduct, the All-American sports figure or politician caught with his pant's down, will go through the motions of public apology in order to make things 'right' by his family and supporters. Whatever the motivations, the apology is out there, and the man/woman can move on. Maybe Stupak is doing this BECAUSE he felt that he failed his pro-life constituents. Pray for him.
He has expressed only pride that he had a part in the most significant bill to be passed. He shows no regret or remorse in failing pro-life constituents. He knows that he is unelectable now and is high tailing it out of D.C. rather than face those who he lied to about his pro- life stance. The cat is out of the bag and he knows it. The voting populace is wising up and fast.