Monday, April 5, 2010

Hamana, Hamana, Hamana...

As an addendum to the book tour post, this Mooners video is a celluloid metaphor for what happened to me when it was my turn to see Sean Hannity. In my defense, there was some confusion with the guy in front of me so that when it was my turn I was caught off guard. So many things I wanted to say... Love the show, four hours a day everyday, good luck with the book, etc. I couldn't even muster a "You're a great American". No. For all of the animated bloviating I am capable of, I stood there like a proverbial deer in the headlights. Or, like the chef of the future. I was consoled by Mr. V. who said that atleast I wasn't knocking walls and shelves over.
It haunted me the rest of the day. The recollection of my momentary muteness fades a little each day. Although, when I put on the Fox News Channel tonight at 9:00pm, it all came crashing back into my memory.
So in the meantime I will try to get a laugh out of it by watching this clip every once in awhile. Maybe it wasn't as bad as I remember it to be anyway. No, I froze for what seemed like an eternity. Still, it was an honor to meet one of my Conservative hero's. One of many that day.

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