Remember back on The Beverly Hillbillies when Jethro would say that he was "doin' his cypherin'"? That meant that he was doing his math computations. Otherwise known as times' and guzintas. Multiplication and division. Well, the President as candidate Obama was billed as the great unifier. Turns out he is the great divider. Thus the name, The Great Guzinta. And here you thought I was just some kind of racist branding him with a moniker as an ethnic slur. Shame on you.
This man has managed to cause racial division, economic division, political division, class division, etc.,etc.,etc. Where is the unity promised by the elevation of this man-child? The long awaited harmony amongst the peoples? Why he even said something about calming the seas(or something similar to a messianic claim). But here we are. Riot's in the streets. Rich bastards and poor bastards. Partisans and men of integrity. And this is only the beginning.
You see, liberals and progressives thrive on division and more specifically, chaos. Their type needs tumult and upheaval in order to establish and expand their Socialist agenda. They also need perceived bad guys and perceived victims. That is how they promote disharmony amongst the populace. They use issues, whether it be race(a favorite), income, abortion(I'm sorry, woman's rights)... You name it and they can use it as a political fulcrum to move their agenda. They really don't care about the issues or the people being used as pawns. All they care about is their cause. Their agenda. Everything and everyone else is just a means to an end.
But the last thing they require in order to fulfill their Socialist dream state is a complicit mainstream media. They are integral to the process. Whether it be by sheer fabrication of falsehoods or by covering up the ugly details and the truth behind the Hope and Change platform. Except for Fox News there would be no honest, balanced reporting on what goes on in the political world. There is a huge dearth of truth in Washington as well as in the mainstream media. One can only assume that all those who are patrons of such falsehood are woefully misinformed as well.
As for us? We who value freedom over power and influence. Our means, our end, is truth. It is all we have. But it is more powerful than lies, falsehood and hate. When you know that you know something you cannot be moved. Truth is not based on emotion or personal bias. It does not change with societal or cultural trends. It does not evolve. It is eternal. And when firmly grasped and wielded it cuts to shreds the thin veil of deceit. Know what you believe. Seek what is true even though it may be hard to hear. Upon finding it, love and treasure it for it will light your way in the darkness. As for dividers, they will continue to try and drive men apart in order to gain power by playing the masses against one another. But remember, we are Americans in a Republic. We are one nation under God. Indivisible. Upholding liberty and justice for all. That is me. That is you.
These six things doth the Lord hateth; yea, seven are an abomination to him...
A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Proverbs 6:16 and 19