Tuesday, January 26, 2010

If only Obama had some "Friends" at the SOTU

Just be prepared for tomorrow night's State of Union message from President Obama.

This is Obama's chance to triangulate, to run to the center. A potential "pivot" point if you will. After suffering the blow of the Scott Brown election Obama has a chance to to really "change" much like Bill Clinton did after the "94" victories of the Republican Congress. And he won't do it. He can't do it. He is so steeped in his own socialist ideology that it is not in him to truly move to the center. Clinton was less the ideologue and a little more concerned with polls which enabled him to make that move. Obama will propose solutions to our present ills but they will all be based in government. Not government getting out of the way to allow American exceptionalism to run free, but big brother doling out targeted tax breaks and shouting ever louder the precepts of his majorly rejected agenda. Watch the rhetoric. It will all sound nice and hearken back to the ole "Hope and Change" pap. Then watch what follows in the days ahead.
And finally, note that there will be thinly(maybe not so thinly) veiled excuses and blame thrust on the ever maligned George W. Bush administration. There will be no turning, no pivoting in this speech. It will be more of the same and full steam ahead. But the American people are waking up and beginning to see that regardless of party, less government is better for us all. It is we who are doing the pivoting.
Now watch the video and have a good laugh.


  1. Ha! Scott Cleverman's at it again. It never ceases to amaze me at how you can recall episodes and lines from old sitcoms and then tie em into your political schpeals. So. You think the prez will continue couching his socialistic agenda in the old hopenchangeroony theme?
    "So-fa so good"

    You know what I think? Chandler= combination of 'Change' and 'Swindler'.

  2. Very, very good Gina. Left up to me, I would've thought it meant Swange.
