Monday, January 4, 2010

Our money, our debt, our future

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Here is the national debt clock for our country in real time. Watch as the numbers spiral ever upward. It's hard enough to imagine this thing just stopping let alone reversing itself. It represents government spending of our money. Now we as responsible citizens are far more prudent with "our money". Our bank statements and checkbook ledgers are monetary snapshots in time. Most of us adjust our income and spending accordingly so as to stay out of debt or even to save money. But not our elected officials. They think that can spend(and print) as much currency as they like. These people have no idea of what the real world is like let alone any sense of shame. It may not be too late to turn back this tide of debt. But, as resilient as the US economic system may be and has been, there could be a point of no return. When the house of cards collapses in on itself. Remember that the borrower is slave to the lender. Our soon future master could be China. Well... atleast our leaders already embrace the philosophies of Mao.


  1. donuts to dollars yuan Chinese tonight...

    Can't somebody turn that debt clock off!? Seriously scary times at Washington High. Especially if you put your trust in the value of a buck, only get wind of the fact that no one seems to know what the heck to do about our insane mounting national debt which, according to some pollster diagramata out there amounts to about 1/2 of all of the debt in the world. Sheewiz, what are these guys getting paid for? Good Grief. Even the Democrats are freakin out down there.

    you know what i blame it on? Godlessness. Our society has spit in the wind once too many times. Legalized abortion on demand has taken out millions of potential tax payers and don't even get me going on that. There IS a point where our country must pay the piper. Oh wait...we ARE.

    The philosophies of Chairman Mao. for thought.

  2. The figures, they stagger me.
