Friday, April 30, 2010

The Great Guzinta

Remember back on The Beverly Hillbillies when Jethro would say that he was "doin' his cypherin'"? That meant that he was doing his math computations. Otherwise known as times' and guzintas. Multiplication and division. Well, the President as candidate Obama was billed as the great unifier. Turns out he is the great divider. Thus the name, The Great Guzinta. And here you thought I was just some kind of racist branding him with a moniker as an ethnic slur. Shame on you.

This man has managed to cause racial division, economic division, political division, class division, etc.,etc.,etc. Where is the unity promised by the elevation of this man-child? The long awaited harmony amongst the peoples? Why he even said something about calming the seas(or something similar to a messianic claim). But here we are. Riot's in the streets. Rich bastards and poor bastards. Partisans and men of integrity. And this is only the beginning.

You see, liberals and progressives thrive on division and more specifically, chaos. Their type needs tumult and upheaval in order to establish and expand their Socialist agenda. They also need perceived bad guys and perceived victims. That is how they promote disharmony amongst the populace. They use issues, whether it be race(a favorite), income, abortion(I'm sorry, woman's rights)... You name it and they can use it as a political fulcrum to move their agenda. They really don't care about the issues or the people being used as pawns. All they care about is their cause. Their agenda. Everything and everyone else is just a means to an end.

But the last thing they require in order to fulfill their Socialist dream state is a complicit mainstream media. They are integral to the process. Whether it be by sheer fabrication of falsehoods or by covering up the ugly details and the truth behind the Hope and Change platform. Except for Fox News there would be no honest, balanced reporting on what goes on in the political world. There is a huge dearth of truth in Washington as well as in the mainstream media. One can only assume that all those who are patrons of such falsehood are woefully misinformed as well.

As for us? We who value freedom over power and influence. Our means, our end, is truth. It is all we have. But it is more powerful than lies, falsehood and hate. When you know that you know something you cannot be moved. Truth is not based on emotion or personal bias. It does not change with societal or cultural trends. It does not evolve. It is eternal. And when firmly grasped and wielded it cuts to shreds the thin veil of deceit. Know what you believe. Seek what is true even though it may be hard to hear. Upon finding it, love and treasure it for it will light your way in the darkness. As for dividers, they will continue to try and drive men apart in order to gain power by playing the masses against one another. But remember, we are Americans in a Republic. We are one nation under God. Indivisible. Upholding liberty and justice for all. That is me. That is you.

These six things doth the Lord hateth; yea, seven are an abomination to him...
A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Proverbs 6:16 and 19

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Chelsea's pre-wedding request to dad

Anyone want to venture a guess?

Stay away from the brides maids.
Find out what the meaning of is, is.
Have you found a good dry cleaner yet?(In case you can't do the first one)
Don't make any of your jokes about Mom's kankles.
No, you can't bring a date.
Whatever goes wrong during the cermony/reception just blame George Bush.
No, you don't have to do any polling before making a toast.
The reception band already has a saxaphone player.
No, no and no I am not inviting the Gore's to the wedding.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Doing the job the American Government won't do...

It's ironic that the Liberal Progressive's have no problem with illegal aliens coming into our country hailing them for "doing the jobs Americans don't want to do". But when a governor and a state make a move to protect it's own citizens and do the job that it's own federal government refuses to do, they are derided and labeled racists and bigots. Actually, it's not ironic. It's another case of liberals using the race card to divide the country and raise up another class of perceived victims. Or as the lib's would like to think of them, potential voters.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Need a good laugh?

It's Friday night and I'm King of the Castle

Freely speak the truth in love-Ephesians 4:15


If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.
George Washington

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path-Psalms 119:105

Paradoxes... life is full of 'em. Happy, yet sad. Rich, yet poor. Free, yet enslaved. I'm sure that you can come up with some of your own. In my own head it feels like a perpetual paradox. A tugging. Two opposites pulling at me. Trying to discern which is true. I'm not all that smart, but I do tend to be cerebral. At times it's a curse.

In a world where statements, opinions and accusations come from all around, I look and cleave to the anchor of God's Word. In the end it is the Truth that will prevail. No man comes to the Father but by Him. For everything there is a season. Lord help me to know and discern these times.

Great album cover art. Classic Kansas.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

All creation sings.... Hail the Kings of Kings

I'm all for being a good steward of the earth that God created for man. After all, who wants dirty air and dirty water? No, not even evil conservatives want to breathe in and drink man made filth. But, it is the freedom loving industrialized countries that enjoy the conveniences of free market progress while maintaining a clean environment. But the present administration and the environmentalist wackos and liberals think that we live too good and that hurts the planet. That environmental and social justice can only be achieved by redistributing the wealth of us evil capitalists. Personally, have you ever seen these people that protest the WTO summits? They look like a walking, talking, vandalizing bio-hazard laden mob. Unwashed. Unkempt. Ransacking. Breaking windows. Starting fires. The list goes on. How many of these radicals own Iphones, laptops, hip jeans, automobiles...? Hypocrisy anyone?

When God created the earth and then man, He said to be fruitful and multiply. Be productive. Have off spring. Subdue the earth and make it your home. Leave an impression. A carbon footprint if you will. A testament to your being here. And of course, do it in accordance with God's guidance and a spirit of good will toward your fellow man.

The earth, like man are both creations of God. But man was created in the image of God. The earth was created for man and man was created for God. Man was made to worship God, not the planet. Whenever man worships someone or something other than the Creator, it results in idolatry and a turning away from the one true God. The One who loves us and cares for us. Who even cares for the earth that He made. It's not a bad thing to care about the earth. But, it's not necessarily a noble thing either. King Solomon said that the end of all things is to reverence God and keep His commands. The Westminster Catechism asks what is the chief end of man? To glorify God and enjoy Him forever. He is what will last. He is the One who endures forever. He is the One who cares for us. He is the One who loves us. And, if you choose to believe and receive it, He is the One who died, arose, and ever lives. For us. For you.

So I guess the end of this rant is... Take care of the home that was made for us. But, don't worship it. Don't fret over it. Don't treasure it more than Him who made it. Good stewardship is a prized practice. Idolatry is not. But, if you have no hope beyond the time spent here on earth, if you believe that this life is all that there is, I can see why a certain fear or urgency would grip your heart. I would entreat you to survey this land given to mankind. The beauty. The majesty. The intricacy. And then, ask, pray, to understand and beseech the God of glory to reveal Himself to you. For in knowing Him, you will by faith know that the beauty of this world cannot compare to what He has prepared for those that love Him.

I love the 70's

When enroute to the Tea Party Rally last weekend with Mr. V we were discussing one hit wonders and songs from our youth while riding on the train. At one point I was trying to think of a certain song from the era, but alas it did not come to me. So much for youth. But now here it is, out of no where. I was thinking of G when the song first made it's impression on my mind. The Grass Roots were a great singles band back in the day. Enjoy.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Obama makes hospitals allow gay visitation rights

Here's a Muslim a trois celebrating the latest foray into liberal legislation and gay rights as per the dictatorial decree of Commisar Obama.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

No. 42

Jack Roosevelt Robinson was born in Cairo, Georgia in 1919 to a family of sharecroppers. His mother, Mallie Robinson, single-handedly raised Jackie and her four other children. They were the only black family on their block, and the prejudice they encountered only strengthened their bond. From this humble beginning would grow the first baseball player to break Major League Baseball's color barrier that segregated the sport for more than 50 years.

Growing up in a large, single-parent family, Jackie excelled early at all sports and learned to make his own way in life. At UCLA, Jackie became the first athlete to win varsity letters in four sports: baseball, basketball, football and track. In 1941, he was named to the All-American football team. Due to financial difficulties, he was forced to leave college, and eventually decided to enlist in the U.S. Army. After two years in the army, he had progressed to second lieutenant. Jackie's army career was cut short when he was court-martialed in relation to his objections with incidents of racial discrimination. In the end, Jackie left the Army with an honorable discharge.

In 1945, Jackie played one season in the Negro Baseball League, traveling all over the Midwest with the Kansas City Monarchs. But greater challenges and achievements were in store for him. In 1947, Brooklyn Dodgers president Branch Rickey approached Jackie about joining the Brooklyn Dodgers. The Major Leagues had not had an African-American player since 1889, when baseball became segregated. When Jackie first donned a Brooklyn Dodger uniform, he pioneered the integration of professional athletics in America. By breaking the color barrier in baseball, the nation's preeminent sport, he courageously challenged the deeply rooted custom of racial segregation in both the North and the South.

At the end of Robinson's rookie season with the Brooklyn Dodgers, he had become National League Rookie of the Year with 12 homers, a league-leading 29 steals, and a .297 average. In 1949, he was selected as the NL's Most Valuable player of the Year and also won the batting title with a .342 average that same year. As a result of his great success, Jackie was eventually inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962.

Jackie married Rachel Isum, a nursing student he met at UCLA, in 1946. As an African-American baseball player, Jackie was on display for the whole country to judge. Rachel and their three children, Jackie Jr., Sharon and David, provided Jackie with the emotional support and sense of purpose essential for bearing the pressure during the early years of baseball.

Jackie Robinson's life and legacy will be remembered as one of the most important in American history. In 1997, the world celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Jackie's breaking Major League Baseball's color barrier. In doing so, we honored the man who stood defiantly against those who would work against racial equality and acknowledged the profound influence of one man's life on the American culture. On the date of Robinson's historic debut, all Major League teams across the nation celebrated this milestone. Also that year, on United States Post Office honored Robinson by making him the subject of a commemorative postage stamp.

BT comment: Today was Jackie Robinson Day in Major League Baseball. A day when all players wear number 42 to honor not only one of the game's greatest players, but one of it's greatest men.

I really didn't know too much about Jackie Robinson until one cold, rainy weekend in 1994when I watched Ken Burns' "Baseball" on PBS. I knew he was a great player, but by watching the story behind the sport I found a great honor and respect well up in my heart for this man. The ill treatment and persecution he endured just to play a game. Of course it was much more than a game. It was about equality, opportunity and human dignity. Most of all, on his part, it was about humility. He didn't strike back. He didn't respond in verbal rage. He played the game he loved to the best of his ability, thereby earning the adoration of players and fans alike. I almost felt sorry for him as I watched his story unfold. I couldn't understand(and still don't)why others would treat him so poorly and without a cause. But there are still alot of things about the human condition that I don't always comprehend.

I heard it said once that competition in sports doesn't develop character, it reveals it. This would seem to be true about No. 42 as well as those he played with and against. For better or for worse. I sometimes wonder what Jackie would think about the state of race relations in America today. Looking back at how his sacrifice would be followed by Martin Luther King Jr.'s peaceful movement towards racial equality. And then there are the race baiters and hucksters like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and more recently Obama's pastor, Reverend Wright. I would hope that his stance would be that of MLK's, where you judge a man based not on the color of his skin, but on the content of his character. That jobs as well as votes would be granted based on ability and personal integrity.

The Bible says that God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Also, that He is no respecter of persons. Jackie Robinson persevered in the face of persecution with all humility to play America's pastime. While who can remember any of those who rejected a black man playing the game of baseball at that time? He is the one who is honored on this day, not them. And he is honored by players of all races as they all wear his No. 42 on their uniforms in tribute to the man. God honors humility no matter what color we are. And, He resists pride just the same. I thank God for all peoples and what they bring to the human experience. And if there are those that I have disdain for, it is because of the darkness of their deeds, not the hue of their skin. The ability or more aptly I would say, the choice to do right lies within in us all.

Thank you Jackie Robinson. For by breaking the barrier on the playing field, you helped us to mend fences and make friends off the field. May your example of humility and excellence be a testimony to all those of the human race.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Fortress of Solitude

"Stripped to the waist eating a block of cheese as big as a car battery"
George Costanza

No Yoke, It's Aleggorical

As our hero safely makes his way back to the B(a)T Cave, one of many nemeses, O.C. Rider, lives to whine another day. Last seen scratching his smooth head over the meaning of a three syllable word in a complete sentence, the scrambled one finally gave up in a fit of frustrated epithets.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Great harmonies

It's the simple things in life that make everything...

Social Justice=Socialism

There can be no liberty unless there is economic liberty.
Margaret Thatcher

Saturday's are the big financial days on talk radio and on my cable news channel of choice, Fox News Channel. This is where politics and monetary policy are passionately discussed and dissected. Since yesterday was Tax Freedom Day I thought I would make this entry. Starting now you have paid all of your taxes for the year if they were accounted for in a specific time period versus being deducted or paid over the span of 12 months. It is the day that you begin to keep your own money. This day will arrive later next year and even later every other year under the Obama administration. With the potential passage of a VAT tax (Value Added Tax which is a tax on everything) I fear that there will no such thing as a Tax Freedom Day at all. That the burden of over taxation will haunt us 365 days a year. Of course it was recently reported that roughly 50 percent of Americans pay no income tax at all while the the top 10 percent of income earners pay almost 70 percent of the tax debt. Note that Obama uses the word "fair" numerous times. That means taking from those who have achieved and giving to those who do not(see his conversation with Joe the Plumber). That is Socialism in a nut shell. Historically under the law of the land, fair meant that everybody had the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". Our country was founded on equal opportunity. Liberals and Socialists want to equalize or guarantee the outcome.

A large part of the pricinple of liberty is financial freedom. To make an honest living, pay an equitable tax and to enjoy the fruits of your own labors. When the taxes levied upon the people of this or any country become too burdensome it stifles growth, it kills dreams, it limits freedom. To add insult to injury, it is the the government that refuses to starve or deny it's own ravenous appetite for tax revenues. The new taxes coming down the pike are supposed to pay down the debt. What fool believes that? There are no proposals to cut spending now or in the distant future. If anything, government spending will continure to spiral out of control, as will the tax rates. In the end, the only thing that will shrink is personal revenue and personal freedom. The less money you have in your pocket, the less you can afford. Less food, less clothes, less healthcare, less luxury items(if any), less vacations, less night's out, less jobs, less higher education, less affordable energy, less affordable housing, less personal transportation, etc, etc, etc... Do you get the idea now how personal wealth equals more personal freedom? That taxing everything means less of everything. The Constitution guarantees our basic liberties in principle and in turn allows us to engage in personal pursuits that enrich our lives. Higher, exhorbitant taxes will be another strike of the axe laid at the root of personal liberty. Instead of trickle down economics we will have gravitational slavery. Limiting or taking away the freedom of others by pulling them down via oppressive taxation does not make those less prosperous any freer. It culminates in bondage for all.
It is not money that is at the root of all evil, it is the love of it from where many evils spring forth. It can be an excellent servant or a cruel master. I would implore all Americans to love and covet their freedom above all else. To vote for those who value and practice fiscal responsibility. For if we do not, under this regime and all others like it, we will have neither fortune nor liberty, and America will become just another failed Socialist utopian experiment on the ash heap of history.

Friday, April 9, 2010

I Thessalonians 4:13-18

This world is not our home
As our hearts cry Abba Father
We lift our eyes to heaven
Where there be no fret or bother
As perfection sheds corruption
And the natural is forsaken
To be with Thee eternally
And our souls be no more shaken


I hate to sign and run...or not run

Michigan's Stupak, a tea party target, is retiring

By JOHN FLESHER, Associated Press Writer John Flesher, Associated Press Writer – 1 min ago
TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. – Rep. Bart Stupak, an anti-abortion Democrat targeted for defeat by tea party activists for his crucial role in securing House approval of the health care overhaul, said Friday he would retire from Congress this year.

BT comment: I would like to sight that this article is incorrect. Stupak is NOT an anti-abortion Democrat. If it were true, he would not have signed on to Obamacare. Accepting a so-called promise of executive order from the liar and chief to not publicly fund abortion was at the very least naive. Personally, I think that there was some arm twisting done by the administration and a willingness on Stupak's part to believe the absurd so as to vote for party over principle.
Now he can't stand the heat that has followed his spineless decision and is deciding to ABORT any attempts to run for re-election. Turns out that his candidacy, in abortion speak, would not be viable. Even more spineless is his stating that he is not running again so he can spend more time with his family. He is using them as human shields against any criticism for his failure to fight the fight. What a guy. What a man. What a chickensh*t.
Maybe he is having trouble living with his decision on healthcare. If so, as well he should. He not only sold out the future unborn, he sold out the freedom of his country and the Constitution that he swore to uphold. More than likely there will be a political afterlife book deal that will chronicle his career and then feigned personal agnst over signing on to Obamacare, followed by some sort of justification of his decision. Whether or not his name will appear on the New York Times best seller list for said book remains to be seen. Eventually it will be supplanted by other names and book titles, but the name Bart Stupak is forever inscribed on a bill not so easily aborted.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The cool down

The last song I heard on my IPod at the gym tonight. Kind of stuck in my head. CS is very masterful at mellow, soulful songs.

Play Ball!

Finally, with the advent of regular season baseball I may be able to turn off the madness that is Obama, Pelosi and Reid. Maybe for just a little while each night. But just like in baseball, you don't take your eye off the ball, and I'm not taking my eye off these guys.
Somehow he will find a way to "F"(Bidenspeak)this up too. Socialists like a level playing field. Everyone miserable. They can't envision the downtrodden being lifted up. Hell no! They believe in everyone being laid low. Spread the misery around. Lord knows when they are in power there is plenty to go around. They think that in order for everyone to get a piece of the pie, you have to take from the winners of life's lottery and give to those who have less. They don't get that the pie gets bigger when taxes are low, freedom is protected and peace abounds. Then there is enough pie for whoever wants in on it. And if they don't, fine. Just don't take the piece of pie from the person who earns it and give to the one who wants it, but doesn't work for it. Ok, enough about the pie. (pie=share of the action)
There is a value added tax coming soon that will tax EVERYTHING. And that's on top of the taxes that are already levied upon us. Going to the ballpark was already pricey for a family and may well be unaffordable soon. I prefer to watch it at home on the big screen, but that's not the point. You can't take the position that just because something doesn't affect you directly, that it doesn't matter. Eventually it will touch you. Something you like, enjoy or need will be taxed, and taxed unfairly.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. It's just that the America I knew is going away. Day by day. Precept by precept. Dollar by dollar. I believe that baseball is still the nation's pastime. A pleasant, calming diversion from the rigors of life(especially when the Phils are doing well). May you all find that thing that is your temporary respite from life's demands. And, may it remain untouched, undefiled and untaxed.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Iranian response to Obama's nuclear policy

A good buy at Best Buy

One day, a few years ago, I was browsing the CD's in Best Buy. I say a few years ago because times have changed and most people buy their music on line these days. So as I perused the music section, I heard this song playing over the store's loud speakers. I liked enough to hunt down the CD and buy it on the spot. It was worth the blind buy. Hope you like it too.

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches-Proverbs 22:1

I went to the cemetery on Easter Sunday to tend to the grave sites of the relatives on my father's side of the family. It was the perfect day to get out and do some minor landscaping. At first I went to the wrong spot and could not find the grave markers. I was somewhat panicked thinking how dare they move my family from their resting place. But, I got back in the car and drove to the next lot down, where to my relief lay my past.
As I hacked away at the overgrowth with a small hatchet that my dad gave me, I thought about these people just beneath my feet. My family tree. People I have not seen in over 35 years. Some that I have never seen or known at all. My father's real mother who died long before I was ever born. She passed away when my dad was just six years old. My grandfather who I didn't know all that well since he lived in Jersey and I grew up in Northeast Philly. Then there were great and grand relatives. Still, the common thread, the bond as it were, on every marker I viewed there was my same last name.
So away I swung, and then trimmed with a large knife until the markers were all visible and neatly kept. I bought one cross made out of wood and palms to place at my grandparents grave site. Since my father lives in Florida, I took some pictures so that he could see what I could see. Then I sat on the back of my car bumper and smoked a cigar as I contemplated my life while praying.
I thanked God for my life. That I lived long enough to see such a beautiful day knowing that I should have died long ago. That at an appointed time Jesus saw fit to save me from a life of sin, desperation and death. Wondering why He did, but grateful just the same.(For if our earthly parents love us, how much more does the Father love us.) It was Easter, so John 3:16 would be the obvious answer.
After almost 2 hours of labor, rest and prayer I drove away feeling connected. Like part of a family, most of whom I've never known. Still, they are my kin and there is a part of them in me. Their name is my name and I am proud to carry it to my own grave.
My father once told me of the three things that he was most grateful for. One of them was that he had two sons that have never shamed his name. Now I have not always been the person that I want to be, but that thought always looms in the back of my mind. I may not always be loved, liked or even tolerated, but I do strive to live a life worthy of the name given to me. And since I became a christian, I strive even more so not to shame the name that is above every name.
In the end, it is not possessions, worldly wealth or the prestige of position that matter. But, it is the honor of a good name and all that it connotes that will last.

Ours is a world governed by the aggressive use of force-Rush Limbaugh

Obama calls nuclear strategy 'significant step'

By ROBERT BURNS and DESMOND BUTLER, Associated Press Writers Robert Burns And Desmond Butler, Associated Press Writers – 1 hr 11 mins ago
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama on Tuesday vowed to constrain the use of the nation's Cold War-era nuclear arsenal, in a bold but politically risky move aimed at discouraging the technology from spreading.

Obama's plan, a sharp departure from his predecessor's policy, is a bid to downplay the threat posed by nations like Russia and China while emphasizing the threat posed by terrorists or states believed to encourage terrorism.

"To stop the spread of nuclear weapons, prevent nuclear terrorism, and pursue the day when these weapons do not exist, we will work aggressively to advance every element of our comprehensive agenda — to reduce arsenals, to secure vulnerable nuclear materials, and to strengthen" international agreement, Obama said in a statement.

Under the new plan, the U.S. promises not to use nuclear weapons against countries that don't have them. The policy would not apply to states like North Korea and Iran, however, because of their refusal to cooperate with the international community on nonproliferation standards.

Obama's plan would lessen the role nuclear weapons play in America's defense planning.

BT comment: This man, Obama, is living in a fool's paradise. The idiocy of this announcement is only compounded by his belief that it will make the U.S. and the world safer.
First, you do not announce to the world or your enemies that you plan to react ineffectually to any attacks. You do not openly state your lack of will to protect your own people.
Second, why would you beleive that those who wish to do you harm, even though you are not a threat to them, would cease to want to harm you once you lack the will to protect yourself. Who in this world respects a wimp? How do you gain respect(especially militarily)by lying politically prostrate before the tyrants of the world?
While the rest of the world is gearing up, our president needs to man up. And for that matter wise up. The strength of the U.S. has always been a deterent that has kept us safe as well as other countries around the world who have relied on that strength.
The agressive use of force is a an everpresent reality in this world. America has always assumed the mantle of power in a spirit of peace. I know it may sound paradoxical. But the adage still stands, peace through strength.

One boy's taste of freedom

Cuban government releases photos of teenaged Elian Gonzalez

AP – Elian Gonzalez attends the UJC, Union of Young Communists, congress in Havana Sunday April 4, 2010. …
1 hr 9 mins ago
Ten years ago this month, the saga of a Cuban boy named Elian Gonzalez captivated the nation and much of the world. Elian, 6, was found floating on an inner tube off the coast of Florida, after his mother drowned trying to reach America.

The Cuban immigrant community in Florida embraced the boy as a symbol of the struggle of ordinary Cubans to flee the oppression of Fidel Castro's communist regime, and rallied behind the boy's extended family in Miami, which sought custody of young Elian.

But U.S. immigration officials insisted that the boy be returned to his father in Havana. Agents of the Immigration and Naturalization Service conducted an armed raid on Elian's adoptive Miami home - yielding a powerful image of paramilitary forces in America menacing a frightened 6-year-old. Florida's Cuban immigrant community brandished that infamous photo as a reminder of what they considered American power effectively doing the bidding of a heartless Castro government.

BT comment: It turns out that all of the controversy surrounding this young man some ten years ago was an exercise in futility. If he would've just stayed in America he could just as easily have served under this Communinist/Socialist regime that we have in place now. Granted, he may not have been a national symbol as he is in Cuba.
Our neighbor off the coast of Florida is further along in the dream of a Socialist utopia,but with Obama driving this bus at breakneck speed we should overtake them in no time. Poor medical care(sorry Michael Moore), starvation, unemployment, censorship, etc. It's all just one Obama term away.
I wonder if Elian remembers his short stay America. I wonder if he remembers his family living here in Florida. The love, the joy, the freedom. I pray that it never becomes a distant memory for us as it may have for him.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hamana, Hamana, Hamana...

As an addendum to the book tour post, this Mooners video is a celluloid metaphor for what happened to me when it was my turn to see Sean Hannity. In my defense, there was some confusion with the guy in front of me so that when it was my turn I was caught off guard. So many things I wanted to say... Love the show, four hours a day everyday, good luck with the book, etc. I couldn't even muster a "You're a great American". No. For all of the animated bloviating I am capable of, I stood there like a proverbial deer in the headlights. Or, like the chef of the future. I was consoled by Mr. V. who said that atleast I wasn't knocking walls and shelves over.
It haunted me the rest of the day. The recollection of my momentary muteness fades a little each day. Although, when I put on the Fox News Channel tonight at 9:00pm, it all came crashing back into my memory.
So in the meantime I will try to get a laugh out of it by watching this clip every once in awhile. Maybe it wasn't as bad as I remember it to be anyway. No, I froze for what seemed like an eternity. Still, it was an honor to meet one of my Conservative hero's. One of many that day.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.-II Corinthians 3:17

BT and friend, Mr. V., went to see Sean Hannity in Exton,PA on his Conservative Victory book tour this past weekend. Even better than seeing the host of the second most listened to talk radio program, was being with other like minded conservatives. There was a camaraderie and oneness of purpose that permeated the crowd with an undercurrent of peace and enthusiasm. It was not so much about the book or it's writer. It was about freedom. It was about love of country. About coveting our beloved Constitution.
There were flags, T-shirts, ballcaps and singing of patriotic songs. There was only one time when a heckler yelled incoherent obscenities and then flipped the bird as he drove away shouting "I'm a way better American than all of you!" No one yelled back. Some laughed. But it was more like a chuckle of self assurance. Almost pitying the heckler, lost in his own rage at who knows what or why. I can't speak for anyone else, but I felt invincible there with my conservative brothers and sisters. That no one or nothing could come against us. That right was on our side because we were on the side of what is right. It was all somehow akin to the same unity I feel as a christian with other believers. Of course that is a more mystical, spiritual oneness that transcends time and space, whose focus transcends time and space. But evenso, all conservatives my not necessarily hold the same deep spiritual values, yet I still believe that God blesses the gathering together and the efforts of such meetings. That the God of the Bible is a God who longs for all men to be free. That is partly what Easter is about. And with that freedom comes great responsibility. May we continue to fight for the former and not recoil from the latter.
To all who were there may I say, you are great Americans.


Sorry for the inside joke. This blog is a way for me to blow off steam sometimes. In this case it is a private joke, basically just between me and myself. It's sublime and relevant on a couple different levels. So, even if you are not privy to the humor, it is always good fun to watch anything from Monty Python.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Resurrection of Yeshua, The hope of man

"Oh death where is thy sting? Oh grave where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
I Corinthians 15:55-57

Friday, April 2, 2010

I know Jesus and your not Him

I take great joy and solace in the fact that my Saviour is a Jewish carpenter and not a former community agitator.

Exorcising Free Speech

President calls for end to partisan 'vitriol'

Why did canidate Obama or parishoner Obama not ask for an end to the vitriol preached in his own home church for over 20 years? It appears that he abhors truth spoken in love while embracing lies spewn in hate. Black Liberation Theology like all liberation theology is not the Gospel of Christ. It is Socialism cloaked in religion.

The Passion of Yeshua Hamashiach

Isaiah 53
1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool's

In breaking news:
House Democrats have joined with House Republicans to start impeachment proceedings of President Obama.
Iran's president has converted to Judaism.
Gasoline prices are expected to hover just over $1.00 per gallon this summer.
Medical records have confirmed that Nancy Pelosi is really a man.
Barney Frank is really a woman.
Dennis Kuchinich is really an alien(not the illegal kind)
Polls show that if Rush Limbaugh were to run for president he would win in a landslide. Rush echoed his usual response, "I couldn't take the pay cut".
It is predicted that the Washington Nationals will win the World Series this year.
Ricky Martin has come out again saying " I am a fortunate heterosexual man"
A secret memo from the Israeli prime minister reads that the apartments being constructed on Israeli land is really a new Super Walmart Store. This explains Obama indignation fed by union bosses protests.
Al Gore's theory of Global Warming is being proved true as temperatures have begun to rise. It's effects are expected to subside later this year. Possibly by October 2010.
Early test results have shown that trans fats and sugar may be the long sought after cure for cancer, baldness and erectile dysfunction.
Drinking beer builds muscle and burns fat.
In the wake of impeachment proceedings, Joe Biden is stepping down as vice president to open a corner bar in downtown Wilmington. It will be called "Plugs and Mugs". He's also expressed his desire to write(for real this time) the great American novel. The working title is "Live, Love, Gaffe".
And lastly, Congress passed an amendment called the "Big Foot Amendment". It stipulates that if or when the mysterious denizen of the great Northwest territory is found, that he/she would be deemed human and not beast and would therefore be compelled to purchase health insurance or face any and all penalties under the new Obamacare law.