Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The shrill, the thrill and the spill

Oil Spill Timeline from RightChange on Vimeo.

It is a big deal to be condemned by the words of another. It is even more momentous to be condemned by one's own words or actions. Or, in the case of Obama, his inactions. Just as there are jobs that may never come back due to this president's socialist economic policies, there may be habitats and peoples generational ways of life that may never return in our lifetime, if ever. All that we can do is make sure that he, and never again someone like him, returns to lead our country towards the abyss.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

For those with buyers remorse...

I didn't vote these people in, but I will certainly be voting them out come November 2010 and 2012. This video is for those who believed the lies, the promises, the rhetoric. To those who may have been suffering from some sort of white guilt, had Bush fatigue, or just really wanted true change. Well change has come and it is destroying our country. Or, as Obama put it, "fundamentally transforming" it. Chicago style politics is being played out on the national stage right now and it is brutal, deceitful and destructive. Add to it a strong element of Socialism and you have a heartless, controlling, bureaucracy. A government that decides who will get healthcare(ultimately who gets to live), who gets money, and coming soon, who gets to say what in a public forum. The only two things left are our right to free speech and the right to bear arms. Once they are gone there will be no legal resistance. There will be no voice. There will be no freedom.

Hopefully we will not just be voting something out, but also something in as well in the coming elections. In the meantime get educated. Expose yourself to something other than the mainstream media. Listen to talk radio, watch the Fox News Channel, learn America's history, and read our founding documents. Never have I understood more that knowledge is power. And also, that freedom isn't free. It's time for change, again. Change rooted in humility and adherence to the principles that this country was originally founded on and that made America that shining city on a hill. Hopefully it's not too late, because if it is, there is no where else to go. Rise up!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Speaking truth to myth

NAACP resolution condemns racism in tea party

By HEATHER HOLLINGSWORTH, Associated Press Writer Heather Hollingsworth, Associated Press Writer – 49 mins ago
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Leaders of the country's largest civil rights organization accused tea party activists on Tuesday of tolerating bigotry and approved a resolution condemning racism within the political movement.

The resolution was adopted during the annual convention in Kansas City of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, spokesman Chris Fleming said. Tea party organizers disputed claims of racism and called on the NAACP to withdraw the resolution.

Debate was mostly closed to the public, but the final version "calls on the tea party and all people of good will to repudiate the racist element and activities within the tea party," said Hilary Shelton, director of the NAACP's Washington bureau.

BT comment: While they are at it, why doesn't the NAACP also move to condemn leprechauns, unicorns, Bigfoot, space aliens, the Lochness Monster, liberal tax and spending cuts... and come to think of it, any other thing on the planet that doesn't really exist. BUT, whatever they may do, they can not and will not address racism in there own organization or allah forbid, point one hypocritical finger at the cracker hating, race card playing Black Panthers. There is absolutely no proof that organized racism exists in Tea Party movement(the Tea Party is proud to have members of any race or color as it is based on principles not prejudices). There are always isolated incidences of bad behaviour to be found no matter where you look, but there hasn't even been one verifiable act of racism witnessed at any Tea Party event. This is right out of the "Rules for Radicals" handbook by Sol Olinsky. Falsely accuse your enemies of what you yourself are actually doing thereby silencing them while advancing your own agenda.

To peacefully disagree with this president purely on principle is and will be labeled as racism. As a citizen who wants their country and Constitution back is apparently hate speech and racism. To love the America you grew up in is passe'. To want those elected to actually adhere to the Constitution they swore to defend is archaic. To love God and His word is narrow minded and weak. Finally, to be silent in the midst of such accusations would just be plain wrong. Speak truth to power. On second thought, just speak truth(in love). It's your right. It's your country. It's your duty. Even if few listen, truth will draw it's own adhererants.

The man who fears no truths has nothing to fear from lies.
- Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Only in(and out, and then back in) America

Imagine someone that you know or may have known in the past. A person who always shows up unannounced, or worse yet, uninvited. To do so once or twice might not be so bad. Imagine this person then breaking into your house. And, absurd as it may sound, they illegally entered to wash your dishes, do your laundry or cook your meals. Then the word gets out of how easy it is to access your residence and other people you don't know start coming in because you're such a pushover. These other people may or may not be of dubious character. But all of this would be irrelevant. Whether they tend to your home or not. Are they honest and upright or thugs? Do they do a good job or perform tasks that no one else would do? None of this matters. They entered your house without your permission which nullifies everything else that transpires after the fact. Then to top it off, if you did the same thing to them, they in turn would sue you, lock you up and accuse you of all kinds of contrived offenses.

This my friends is the American policy on illegal immigration. Operative word being "illegal". Don't forget it and don't omit it.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Best In Show-Tipper's Nipper

Forget that he invented(or claims to have)the internet. That the movie "Love Story" was supposedly about him and his recently estranged spouse Tipper. Or, that he has personally prospered from the biggest pseudo-scientific hoax ever perpetrated upon the human race since Columbus proved the earth is round. Finally, it appears that former VP, Al Gore, may be going out with a bang(pun intended).

Not to be out done by his former running mate, president, and unprosecuted rapist, William Jefferson Clinton. It appears that Mr. Global Warming himself may be forever know as the "crazed sex poodle". Not a moniker most of us would want to follow us into the annals of history. Still, it does help to dispel the connotation that Mr. Gore is "wooden". Or perhaps it only proves the point(wink,wink).

The case of Al Gore molesting a woman who was dispatched to his private hotel room for a massage brings a chuckle of incredulity to ones mind. It seems so implausible. Kind of like global warming. Yet unlike the preposterous apocalyptic weather predictions which could conceivably bankrupt our country, this would appear to be a less costly scenario to pursue. It all has to do with character. Unlike global warming, which the eco-terroists and environmentalist wackos try to turn into a moral cause, this really is a question of morality and decency.

Liberals are the ones who always claim to be for the little guy(or girl). Defending the downtrodden, the rights of women, the equality of racial rights. Yet their real life would indicate that this is purely political posturing. They dangle the race carrot in front of the black constituency to secure generational victim hood and support. Same for the poor. Different carrot, same end. Then for the women it is the promise of the perpetuation of legalized abortion. Yet to the former President Clinton and now former Vice President Gore, aside from their value as a formidable voting block, women are merely objects of their affections. Or should I say erections?

Since the alleged attackee was not seriously hurt or injured in the crazed canine sexcapade, there is a certain degree of levity to be found here(C'mon, we're talkin' Al Gore here). Unfortunately that was not the case for Juanita Broderick who had the lesser known and dubious pleasure of Bill Clinton's advances. Where this will all end is anyone's guess. Atleast for now it has neutered Mr. Gore from bloviating about his own unique spewing of sci-fi eco drivel. Maybe this will make people take a second and third look at Gore's theories on the end of the world as we know it. Or more importantly, it will encourage further scrutiny of the Democrat party and more specifically liberal progressives(as if there were much of a difference.) But like most everything else in Al Gore's pathetic tapestry of a life, of all the dogs for a man to be compared to... a poodle?! Quite lame.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Props to a Panther Brotha

Here meet King Samir Shabazz. Not his real or birth name, especially the "King" part. This is one of the leaders of the New Black Panthers. Or as I like to think of them, the muscle behind the Obama regime. Just as Hitler had his "Brown Shirts", Obama has his Panthers. Aside from a national military force, every leader with delusions of domination needs an intimidating presence locally. In the case of Commisar Obama we have here the sanctioned racism of the New Black Panthers.

Now the reason I'm giving this brotha props here is that in spite of his white hot(or is it black hot?) hate, I think he showed considerable restraint when confronted by such a lethal device as a movie camera. Not only that, but the person wielding said camera was a white man. A "cracker" if you will. Now I know that everybody is down on the brotha for saying how much he hates white people, hates crackers, hates cracker whore *****, and wants to kill cracker babies. But yet, he did not raise a hand(or billy club) to the harmless interviewer as he equated the club and camera as equally threatening.

If history has taught us anything, it's that broodish thugs like Shazam here, are basically cowards. Alot of bark, not too much bite. They like to stir up strife and division, but don't really like to get their hands too dirty(did you ever try to get out cracker blood from your racist fatigues?). But history is different now. The times are vastly different and dangerous. See, Shamwow has the unspoken authority of the Obama regime to back him up. If he didn't, he would be sharing a cell with some tattoed cracker right now as I am writing this. But, The Department of Justice under the leadership of Eric Holder dropped the voter intimidation case like the Phillies drop a lead in the ninth inning(still love my Phils). This isn't like letting a guy slide on parking ticket or a speeding violation. These are terroristic threats being made against a class of people based on color. Of course, it only counts when white hoods are part of the mix. Although, those same hoods helped some to get elected to Congress.(Rest in peace Robert Byrd.)According to the DOJ, they don't want to prosecute any cases where the defendant is black and the plantiff white. This would give these militant malcontents carte blanche(ironically blanche is French for white).

But back to Shampoo... Considering this piece of human debris, who speaks for no black people that I know personally, congrats for not spilling that guys head all over the sidewalk. Thanks from this cracker for telling us all how you really feel. Unlike your boss, Barack, who really struggles with the truth, let alone telling it. But just like your little anti-cracker tirade, we have everything that he says on video tape for future perusal. Words mean something and a picture is worth a thousand of them.

It was once said that "the pen is mightier than the sword". Present day, I guess the camera was mightier than the billy club. It kept you on your good behaviour before the election. But for how long after? Anyway... keep it real my brotha.

P.S. Brilliant use of the word "iota". You must have been waiting an eternity to use it in a sentence. To the untrained ear it must have sounded like "I owe da..." in Panther speak. Bravo you angry wordsmith you.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lord of the Screams

Obamanation Connotations

Black man(thank you Reverend Wright), Socialist, Communist, Progressive, Racist, Anti-Semite, Anti-christian, Anti-Israel, Pro-terrorist, Thug, Liar, Lazy, Unqualified, Elitist, Anti-capitalist, Anti-American, non-patriotic, Mao lover, Dishonest, Ideologue, Democrat, Corrupt, Marxist, Arrogant, Prideful, Wasteful, Petulant, Thin-skinned, Ill-mannered, Litigious, Bully, Dope, George Soros hand puppet, Destroyer, Plunderer, Pro Death(only for the unborn), Secular, America hater, Muslim, Incompetent, Man child(thank you Rush), Che lover, Dictator(soon?), Fundamental Transformer, Huckster, Charlatan, Liberal...

Our President
Barack Hussein Obama

(I reserve the right to modify this list at any time) BT