Sunday, July 11, 2010

Only in(and out, and then back in) America

Imagine someone that you know or may have known in the past. A person who always shows up unannounced, or worse yet, uninvited. To do so once or twice might not be so bad. Imagine this person then breaking into your house. And, absurd as it may sound, they illegally entered to wash your dishes, do your laundry or cook your meals. Then the word gets out of how easy it is to access your residence and other people you don't know start coming in because you're such a pushover. These other people may or may not be of dubious character. But all of this would be irrelevant. Whether they tend to your home or not. Are they honest and upright or thugs? Do they do a good job or perform tasks that no one else would do? None of this matters. They entered your house without your permission which nullifies everything else that transpires after the fact. Then to top it off, if you did the same thing to them, they in turn would sue you, lock you up and accuse you of all kinds of contrived offenses.

This my friends is the American policy on illegal immigration. Operative word being "illegal". Don't forget it and don't omit it.


  1. Because I am quite often swayed by the images of abject poverty, wanting to reach deep into my pockets at the sight of people appearing to be homeless and hungry, I have a hard time being single minded in what you have described here as a clear cut case of breaking and entering. You are right, BT. While Mark Twain once uttered something about principles being only enforced by those who aren't hungry, I have to agree that you hit it on the head with "They entered your house without your permission which nullifies everything else that transpires after the fact." The kicker "Then to top it off, if you did the same thing to them, they in turn would sue you, lock you up and accuse you of all kinds of contrived offenses."

    At a loss to contribute more intelligently, I found this beauty by someone commenting on this heated issue with about the same ire as you:

    "With all do respect, there is no Statue of Liberty in Texas, Arizona or California... These huddled masses do not cross the Atlantic, they merely crossed the Rio Grande. They don't see 'Liberty' when they arrive, they see entitlement."

  2. I guess you don't care much for Mark Twain either.

  3. I understand that those in other countries are far less fortunate than we are here in the U.S. It is because of the rampant corruption in Mexico that causes the wide spread poverty.(Something we have to look forward to here?).
    There are ways to enter our country legally. I guess that I was trying to make a macro point using a micro example. I am sure that there are millions of dollars in aid that go to Mexico as well as other countries. Again, enter corruption. If our own welfare system squanders millions of tax payer dollars, I'm sure the same is true elsewhere.
    Jesus said that the poor would always be with us. Giving to them is part of our commission. To give wisely is also highly advised. Even though God see's our heart, He also wants us to think with the brain that He gave us. There are so many charlatans out there. Whether they be on the TV preaching "another Gospel" or on a street corner in ragged clothes. But the issue here, especially in a post 9/11 world, is the sovreignty and security of the United States and it citizens.

    As for Mark Twain... From what I have read, I'm not sure that I care for his politics or his theology, but I really enjoyed "Tom Sawyer" when I read it in high school. I don't know that I am ready to throw out the baby with the bath water when it comes to Mr. Clemens.
