Dear friends,
I would beseech you to listen to or watch Glenn Beck on the radio or Fox News Channel. He is not a fear monger or liar. He is reporting on the things that the mainstream media willfully chooses to ignore. Our money, our freedom, our future is being confiscated by the Obama regime, mostly under the radar without our even knowing how.
I am not a mind numbed robot,but a seeker of what is true and right. I love God and my country and the nation of Israel. It just so happens that this president, Barack Hussein Obama, hates Jehovah God, hates America as it was founded, and hates the apple of God's eye, Israel. BO is fundamentally transforming this country into something that we who love this country we were raised in do not or will not recognize. If he has his way, the UN will soon be dictating what you can and cannot do.
Resist anything that eludes to one world or global governance. We are individuals, we are free peoples, we are Americans. Let the rest of the world follow after a collective system if they like. But as for us, we are a unique and set apart nation.
God bless America. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Disclaimer: It may take you sometime to really get into hearing what is being submitted for your perusal on the Glenn Beck Show. It may be confusing, boring or infuriating. In the end, I have found it entertaining and informative. Your country is being taken from you and you won't know it until it is gone. It's kind of like "The Matrix". We are living in what we think or want reality to be. But, there are things going on in this country and the world at large, that defy and contradict the reality that we love and want. It is what Barack Obama proposed as "fundamentally transforming" this country. What you know, what you love, what you find as normal and comfortable is going away. Forever? I don't know. For now? Definitely. So I say to you... WAKE UP! Get informed. Find truth. Love that truth. And be courageous. If you choose not to be a part of this one world system you will need to hold fast to what you believe. The times ahead are not for the faint of heart.
Our soul waiteth for the LORD: he is our help and our shield.
For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name.
Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.
Pslams 33:20-22
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