Went out and voted tonight. Not a big turnout by all indications, but still, it's something you can't take for granted. It's the next step towards the November elections of 2010. I regret the few times that I have not voted although it was long ago. It is what the Founding Fathers fought for and partly what our military fights for today. The right for us to elect a representative government. Of the people, by the people and for the people.
They say if you don't vote then don't complain about the government. Well, I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't vote that gripe about the government. Then again, some people just like to complain. At least on election day my complaints, my concerns, my voice, is given it's due. Admittedly, I am less informed about local politics mostly because I don't own a house or have any children. National politics is where it's at for me. But, as the saying goes "All politics is local". I never really understood that until recently. I now see how people's political ideology affects local government and how it is the micro to the macro of national politics. After all, liberal and conservative candidates nationally are both elected by millions of... us.
So as I left the polls tonight I felt grateful to God that I live in a country where you can vote somewhat peacefully(no, there where no Black Panthers there,still not as bad as the Taliban). Not full of myself that I was a good citizen for voting(maybe a little) but a sense of satisfaction and of duty fulfilled. I am reminded(especially in the last general election)by Rush Limbaugh that "elections have consequences". November 2010 will be an election of great consequence. May those who love liberty be well represented as they cast a vote for Freedom.
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