To alot of people this is just a three day holiday weekend. The demarcation of summer's commencement. The time when it now is acceptable to again wear white. But for those who comprehend the cost of freedom and the ongoing struggle to defend and protect this gift from God, Memorial Day is a solemn reminder.
Jesus said that greater love have no man that he lay down his life for his friends. Of course he laid his life down for the whole world, including his enemies. In no wise do I compare the sacrifice of the Son of God to that of fallen soldiers. Atleast not in the eternal sense. Still, over the years men and women have laid down their lives for America and it's people. To defend the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Sacrificing even for those who would distort these rights and use the very freedom they were born into to destroy America from within. Unlike most of our current stock of elected officials, it is our military who I trust to uphold and defend our Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic.
I did not enter the military service and was not compelled to as there was no draft at the time. Of course in my youth I was much less patriotic and had far less understanding or appreciation for my country. That it something that has come more with age, my conversion to Christ, and becoming educated as to America's special place in history and the world. I try not to deal in "what if's", but I like to think that if I knew then what I know now, that I would serve. Being 50+ I see why serving in the military is for those in their youth. With failing eyes and aching joints and all of the other conditions that befall a middle aged man, I appreciate that there are those amongst us who choose to use their talents, strength, and vitlality to serve us. To protect us. And to possibly lose their life in the process. These, my fellow citizens, are heroes in every sense of the word.
So as we get together with family and friends to drink a beer, eat a burger or just lay back and relax to enjoy a federally paid holiday, please take a moment to reflect and give thanks first to God that you were born an American. And then to remember those who serve and have served to keep America free. Finally, bless the memory of the fallen and live worthy of their sacrifice.
The willingness of America's veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude.
Jeff Miller, Author
you really oughta be a speech writer. this is good.