US says it has 5,113 nuclear warheads
By ANNE GEARAN, AP National Security Writer Anne Gearan, Ap National Security Writer – Mon May 3, 5:34 pm ET
WASHINGTON – The United States has 5,113 nuclear warheads in its stockpile and "several thousand" more retired warheads awaiting the junkpile, the Pentagon said Monday in an unprecedented accounting of a secretive arsenal born in the Cold War and now shrinking rapidly.
The Obama administration disclosed the size of its atomic stockpile going back to 1962 as part of a campaign to get other nuclear nations to be more forthcoming, and to improve its bargaining position against the prospect of a nuclear Iran.
"We think it is in our national security interest to be as transparent as we can be about the nuclear program of the United States," Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told reporters at the United Nations, where she addressed a conference on containing the spread of atomic weapons.
The U.S. has previously regarded such details as top secret.
BT comment: Of all the things Obama chooses to be up front or "transparent" about, it's how many nuclear weapons America has on hand. Wouldn't it be nice if BO could tell his own country the truth? About anything?! The health plan bill, tax hikes, the stimulus bill, etc... In the words of Dr. Evil "Throw me a frickin' bone here".
It is obvious that Obama is extending his Social Justice initiative even further so that it also includes any military advantage the U.S. might have held. But that's what he does. That's all he does. He has already sold us out economically with unprecedented spending. Our sovereignty is hanging in the balance with the pending Cap and Trade bill. He believes that America is not a christian(judeo-christian) nation. And most recently he is slamming the door of friendship on our closest Mid-East ally, Israel.
A strong America makes for a more peaceful world. Not perfect. But with the ideals and principles this nation was founded on, an arguably more ordered and safe place to live. Our economic strength was an incentive for other countries to seek productive prosperity. Our sovereignty gave vision to other nations that they might have a distinct and unique place in the world. Our faith lent inspiration that there is more than just prosperity and showed what true compassion looks like. Finally, our military might was a deterrent to those who would seek tyranny and destruction. Our greatness is being sold, spent and forfeited by a man and a party who have nothing but disdain for the United States and the freedom her people enjoy. The balance of power is shifting and I can only pray that it is not too late to regain our former glory. I would entreat you to do the same. Pray.
"if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land"
II Chronicles 7:14
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