There are three vital things under attack by the Obama administration. Three rights and expectations as U.S. citizens that may soon be very limited or could possibly disappear completely.
The freedom of speech, the reasonable expectation of privacy, and the very citizenship each of us has been born into are all threatened by this oppressive regime. Obama feels that there is "too much information" out there and that it burdens us and our democracy. He knows that knowledge is power and doesn't want us to bother our little heads about all of the truth out there. At least not when it is something that he doesn't agree with. Also, there is now a push by the Dept. of Justice under BO to track people via their cell phone and read emails on the grounds that we are not entitled to any degree of privacy. And lastly, in the light of the Times Square failed bombing attempt, there is a current school of thought that the very citizenship of a U.S. citizen may be revoked. That United States citizens would not be mirandized, meanwhile terror suspects who are not U.S. citizens would be read their rights just like a common street criminal.
Oh, and I forgot, the Obama administration wants to make the internet a public utility thereby granting them full control of the web.
Big Brother is not just watching, he is moving to restrict freedom. Yours and mine. The right to disagree. To peacefully and privately assemble. To be an American. Watching is a passive practice. Since BB is no longer sitting idly by, neither should we.
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
-- Thomas Jefferson
Glad to see you're looking right back.