Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Have you made enough or have you had enough?

I believe it was the wealthy American industrialist, John Paul Getty who when asked how much money is enough he answered, "A little bit more". Indicating the sky is the limit. Enough is never enough. Ah, greed. Which if I remember is not against the law nor is it unconstitutional. It is one of the "seven deadly sins" which ultimately God will judge. Even so, laboring and reaping wealth is not unlawful. For now.

But here we have the man who would be god telling us that enough is enough. He, yes he thinks at some point you have made enough. What gall. Who the hell is he to tell anyone what is enough or that less is even better. Meanwhile, those that this president associates with make in the millons or even billions. And most by quite questionable means. Even he himself is a millionaire. With statements like this how can anyone doubt that Obama is a Socialist? Sadly that term seems to be losing it significance. For those old enough try to remember the old Eastern Bloc, U.S.S.R or present day Communist China.

Tyrants and elitists like to tell everyone one else how to live and in the case of the tyrant those instructions are backed up by the barrel of a gun. All the while living quite highly off the backs of those who labor to make a better life for themselves and their families. So I guess I would have to side with JP Getty over the Socialist Obama. Because even God gives us the freedom to choose, whether it be for good or for evil. But, to oppress and deny man a decision at all is only evil. You see God loves us enough to let us fail as well as succeed. Love offers a choice and God is love. Tyranny only dictates. First by decree, in the end by force.

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