Friday, March 5, 2010

Massengill Award Winner of the Week-Charlie Rangel

No, this is not a beached whale(please see Jehmu the Killer Whale entry). This is your hard earned tax dollars at work. This week Representative Charlie Rangel finally relented and stepped down(temporarily?) as head of the Ways and Means Comittee. These are the guys that write the tax code. I didn't say that they abide by it, they just write it. Just like "Turbo Tax" Timmy Geithner who heads up the IRS and was appointed by Obama(and failed to pay his income tax), he has a vast degree of difficulty adhering to the same tax laws that you and I obey with slavish trepidation.
Rangel is accused of receiving unethical gifts of renumeration and failure to declare income and assets. Blaming his appointed underlings for failure to catch these oversights, he vows that his absence from the chairmanship is temporary. I guess he thought that his past service(thank you for your service Mr. Rangel)in a segregated military and the fact that he is a minority, gives him special privileges. If you haven't noticed by now, Lady Justice wears a blindfold. She cares not about past service or skin color.
When I see this guy it's a toss up as to which word comes to mind first. Pompous or Arrogant? I guess he thought that 40 years in office would give him immunity from any kind of ethics investigation. Turns out he is the poster boy(nothing racial implied here)for term limits.
If justice were sure and swift Rangel and Geithner would be sharing a cell in a federal prison with Geithner administering Rangel's weekly pedicures as they swap stories of their financial felonies. But Lady Justice is the one female the feminists,as well as liberals, fail to rally behind. So for now, I will enjoy Rangel's absence even though his Democrat successor may well be just as corrupt. I will give Charlie this, he was at times quite colorful(again, nothing racial implied here) if not infuriating. So for now we bid adieu to the ex-chairman with the gravely voice.

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