Thursday, July 8, 2010

Props to a Panther Brotha

Here meet King Samir Shabazz. Not his real or birth name, especially the "King" part. This is one of the leaders of the New Black Panthers. Or as I like to think of them, the muscle behind the Obama regime. Just as Hitler had his "Brown Shirts", Obama has his Panthers. Aside from a national military force, every leader with delusions of domination needs an intimidating presence locally. In the case of Commisar Obama we have here the sanctioned racism of the New Black Panthers.

Now the reason I'm giving this brotha props here is that in spite of his white hot(or is it black hot?) hate, I think he showed considerable restraint when confronted by such a lethal device as a movie camera. Not only that, but the person wielding said camera was a white man. A "cracker" if you will. Now I know that everybody is down on the brotha for saying how much he hates white people, hates crackers, hates cracker whore *****, and wants to kill cracker babies. But yet, he did not raise a hand(or billy club) to the harmless interviewer as he equated the club and camera as equally threatening.

If history has taught us anything, it's that broodish thugs like Shazam here, are basically cowards. Alot of bark, not too much bite. They like to stir up strife and division, but don't really like to get their hands too dirty(did you ever try to get out cracker blood from your racist fatigues?). But history is different now. The times are vastly different and dangerous. See, Shamwow has the unspoken authority of the Obama regime to back him up. If he didn't, he would be sharing a cell with some tattoed cracker right now as I am writing this. But, The Department of Justice under the leadership of Eric Holder dropped the voter intimidation case like the Phillies drop a lead in the ninth inning(still love my Phils). This isn't like letting a guy slide on parking ticket or a speeding violation. These are terroristic threats being made against a class of people based on color. Of course, it only counts when white hoods are part of the mix. Although, those same hoods helped some to get elected to Congress.(Rest in peace Robert Byrd.)According to the DOJ, they don't want to prosecute any cases where the defendant is black and the plantiff white. This would give these militant malcontents carte blanche(ironically blanche is French for white).

But back to Shampoo... Considering this piece of human debris, who speaks for no black people that I know personally, congrats for not spilling that guys head all over the sidewalk. Thanks from this cracker for telling us all how you really feel. Unlike your boss, Barack, who really struggles with the truth, let alone telling it. But just like your little anti-cracker tirade, we have everything that he says on video tape for future perusal. Words mean something and a picture is worth a thousand of them.

It was once said that "the pen is mightier than the sword". Present day, I guess the camera was mightier than the billy club. It kept you on your good behaviour before the election. But for how long after? Anyway... keep it real my brotha.

P.S. Brilliant use of the word "iota". You must have been waiting an eternity to use it in a sentence. To the untrained ear it must have sounded like "I owe da..." in Panther speak. Bravo you angry wordsmith you.


  1. Obama's Re-Election Promise

    The promise of "a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage" can be traced to Hoover's 1928 Presidential campaign.
    Well, Obama has twisted these words and is promising that if he is re-elected there will be "a chick in every car and some pot in every garage!" (LOL)
    Seriously, to see some forbidden views inside King Barack's monarchy, Google "Obama Supports Public Depravity" and also Google "Obama...destined to become a black-slavery avenger."

    [saw the foregoing on the net. i'm robbie]

  2. BT...This commentary is exceptionally, sarcastically insightful...Love the jabs at Byrd and the Frogs...Should we expect that King Samir will exclaim, "Let them eat CRACKERS" on Bastille Day??
