Saturday, July 17, 2010

For those with buyers remorse...

I didn't vote these people in, but I will certainly be voting them out come November 2010 and 2012. This video is for those who believed the lies, the promises, the rhetoric. To those who may have been suffering from some sort of white guilt, had Bush fatigue, or just really wanted true change. Well change has come and it is destroying our country. Or, as Obama put it, "fundamentally transforming" it. Chicago style politics is being played out on the national stage right now and it is brutal, deceitful and destructive. Add to it a strong element of Socialism and you have a heartless, controlling, bureaucracy. A government that decides who will get healthcare(ultimately who gets to live), who gets money, and coming soon, who gets to say what in a public forum. The only two things left are our right to free speech and the right to bear arms. Once they are gone there will be no legal resistance. There will be no voice. There will be no freedom.

Hopefully we will not just be voting something out, but also something in as well in the coming elections. In the meantime get educated. Expose yourself to something other than the mainstream media. Listen to talk radio, watch the Fox News Channel, learn America's history, and read our founding documents. Never have I understood more that knowledge is power. And also, that freedom isn't free. It's time for change, again. Change rooted in humility and adherence to the principles that this country was originally founded on and that made America that shining city on a hill. Hopefully it's not too late, because if it is, there is no where else to go. Rise up!

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