Obama heads to ‘Daily Show’ days before Stewart’s rally
BT comment: I guess it's one of the signs of the modern culture that the president has to be hip or cool. That he(or someday she) has to be part of the pop culture. When I was younger, I too may have fallen for such a ridiculous premise. Coming of age in the 70's I would've voted the Cheech/Chong ticket without even giving it a second thought. And therin lies the problem. Is anyone thinking?
Bill Clinton was the first president to really sell himself to the youth vote via MTV and the Arsenio Hall Show. Whether it be wailing on his sax or discussing what kind of underwear he wears or if he inhaled or not. It was all supposed to make it seem like he was one of us. And now we have Obama following in those same self seeking footsteps. The irony here is that neither of these guys is like anyone I know(for starters, both are millionaires).If I was an empty headed twenty something, yeah, I would think he was like me. But now that I am a man I have put away childish things. I don't want my president to be like me necessarily. I want him(or her) to be better than me. As virtuous as I strive to be, they should be better. With higher ideals and morals. Someone smarter than me. More humble than myself. Sober-minded. Faithful to his own wife. Not discussing things openly that should be resigned to private or personal conversations. Prudent. Discerning. Not so tied to his own ego. Where personal integrity is of utmost importance.
I didn't see this in Bill Clinton and I fail to see it in Barack Obama. With all of his many failing(as well as his virtues) I never saw an ounce of pretense in George W Bush. Recently it was discovered that someone in the Jerry Brown campaign had called his opponent Meg Whitman a "whore". As far I as can tell, the last two democrat presidents are the two biggest ho's I have ever seen. The have no virtue, no morals, no core beliefs and would do anything to retain power and prestige. But the thing they do most... they lie. Like friggin' rugs, they lie. There is no truth found in them. This is not a partisan rant, but an objective observation. To Mr. Clinton, DNA is a bitch. To Mr. Obama, well, most recently I would have to ask if he knows what the hell "shovel ready" means. I don't have itching ears, so don't go scratching 'em with your platitudinous fibs.
This standard applies not only to the nation's highest office. It should apply to all other elected offices. Heck, it should apply to any and all with whom we have to deal. Be it your business partner, your auto mechanic, your banker, your spouse, etc. Democrats strive to ever lower the bar. Most of the people I know strive to raise or exceed it's height. And though we may all fail at times, it is the embracing of what is good and right and perfect that makes us who we are. May we press on to a higher calling and more lofty ideals and not sink into the cultural morass of mediocrity assuaged by deceit.
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