I recently had the occasion to debate a liberal regarding the Helen Thomas remarks. Though the specific subject matter is of great importance to those who love Israel, it is not germane to this post.
Pick any topic and engage a liberal in the discussion of said topic, and you will notice that there are certain gyrations that they will go through. Because liberals are intellectually dishonest, they cannot compete in the arena of ideas. Therefore, there is a specific plan of attack that they usually follow to a T. I cannot say for sure that they all do it consciously. I think the true ideologues do, but the rank and file liberal does it... well, just because it is the nature of this particular beast.
The first thing that you may notice in the liberal assault is the lack of civility. This will permeate the bulk of the ensuing interaction. They may not curse or name call, but you will know that you are only at the beginning of a breathless filibuster. They will talk over you, not allowing a give and take of thoughts and ideas. I have witnessed this many times on FNC and talk radio where the liberal side cannot shut the pie hole long enough to let anyone else with a opposing view get a word in.
Next, is the diversion. This is where when the liberal stops to take that rare breath and you actually get to ask them a direct question. Yes or no. True or false. Agree or disagree. Since they can't be completely honest about their failed ideology, they will at this point change the subject or answer a question with a question. The really skilled liberals will change the subject by asking a question with a question. Two birds with one stone. You can try to bring them back to the original quip, but to no avail. They have already proceeded with rapid pace through 2 or 3 other irrelevant topics. Don't let this distract you. You will never get an honest answer to the original question, but that's okay. Yours is an exercise in exposition, while theirs is one of folly.
Thirdly, there is the straw man argument. This is when a liberal will speak in generalities and vaqaries. To make their case they will refer to mythical people or groups who are suffering under some policy or misuse of authority. Yet they almost never have any real proof or people to back up their accustions. I will concede that every once in awhile they will dig up someone(usually a child, they love exploiting them to further liberalism or demonizing conservatism)who has had some sort of misfortune befall them and turn it into a cause. Or worse yet, a law(can you say Obamacare?) But if you dig deeper to find out the particulars, the situation is not that dire or not even close to the way it is being portrayed by the liberal hucksters. Even if the truth is discovered regarding the "straw man" it will never be reported by the lamestream media.
Finally, and this is where it gets personal, the liberal, painted into a corner by his or her own web of lies and deceit and surrounded by overwhelming truth and facts, will begin the hurling of personal insults. You, your character, everything you hold dear will be subject to liberal ire. They may also frantically accuse you of doing the very same things they themselves are guilty of. Of course this is the last gasp of a frustrated liberal. They have nothing else to offer other than to personally attack you. If you are lucky it will descend into an incoherent rant which can sometimes provide a small degree of amusement. Never let this or any of the other ploys deter you from the subject at hand. Hold fast to your core beliefs and know who you are.
Now this is not meant to be a definitive accounting of the liberal bag of tricks. Yet these are the most popluar and the most employed(who would have thought liberal and employed could be used in the same sentence)principles of liberal debate that I have witnessed. But when truth is on your side, or more importantly, you are on the side of the truth, you cannot lose. Let this be your solace as you cannot and never will be able to reason with a liberal. And as a caution, when that final insult is hurled and you have wiped the dust from your feet to move on, do not let yourself be goaded into self vindication. For, you cannot answer a fool after his/her folly. It will only result in your sounding like the very fool you eschew. Turn and proceed. Walk resolutely towards the light of truth as the cackling of liberals fades into the distance for they will not follow. But, if they do, if they choose to follow... you have won a brother.
BT...Excellent description and assessment...